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Unlocked: Embrace Your Greatness, Find the Flow, Discover Success By George Mumford BOOK RECAP

Unlocked: Embrace Your Greatness, Find the Flow, Discover Success

By George Mumford

A world-renowned psychologist and mindfulness performance expert who has helped superstars such as Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant transform their careers, offers proven strategies for unleashing our innate strengths, avoiding burnout, and discovering enduring success.

Checkout my notes on George’s previous book, The Mindful Athlete


We all strive to find flow, when our skills, expertise, and mindset are aligned and we can perform, unimpeded, at the highest level. George Mumford calls this being “unlocked”—a state anyone can achieve at any time. A psychologist trained in the field of mindfulness and personal development expert, Mumford has decades of experience helping a wide range of individuals—from CEOs and NBA superstars to the chronically underrepresented, those experiencing homeless and fighting addiction—contend with the challenges and opportunities inherent in life. Now, in this life-changing guide, he shares his wisdom with all of us, no matter our background or socioeconomic status, brilliantly guiding us on a path to discovering and harnessing our own individual potential.

How can we move from bracing for failure to waiting for fulfillment? That’s what this book will show you.

I call unlocked— they were in close touch with that part of themselves that was most truly who they were. That is what allowed them to develop their potential in the way they did.

Mental Discipline Training 

Being Unlocked 

When I asked Kobe for a blurb for my book The Mindful Athlete, he wrote generously: “George helped me . . . to be neither distracted or focused, rigid or flexible, passive or aggressive. I learned just to be.”

To just be. He summed it up in a nutshell. That really is the essence of all I teach. 

Find yourself. To this great work, we all are chosen.

Effortless Effort 


We shall see that for the ability to consistently perform at our best, we need to develop integrity. Mental training is critical, but it must be rooted in integrity and wisdom, spiritual qualities of insight and understanding and a feeling of what we might call intimacy with life. 


We unlock our uniqueness, huge reserves of energy, and the feeling of having found our purpose and direction: we know who we are and where we’re going.

We can’t be in survival mode and growth mode at the same time.

It wasn’t even voluntary, really. There was something pulling me that I was powerless to resist. It was like a riptide. They say when you’re caught in such a tide you have to swim with it. You will exhaust yourself trying to swim against it, trying to break free from its pull. That’s how people drown. 


To embrace what we fear. To work through it. Is there a more powerful experience in life

No struggle, no swag 

I hope you have discovered the joy of the success that comes from unleashing your authentic self. It starts with understanding that you are wholly unique and possess rare abilities, and it requires a willing descent into your past to wrestle with what stands in your way. We have to see where we’re hiding out. And, you know, we have to recognize that we need help, that it’s impossible to unlock on our own. Only with this kind of honesty and willingness and vulnerability do we emerge and begin to see a new path, a promise for what we can offer the world.


Take Responsibility

Buddhist monk and author Thich Nhat Hanh said: “Every breath we take, every step we make, can be filled with peace, joy, and serenity.” 

Here’s the exercise that I had them do. Please try this wherever you are:

We would do well to remember what Yoda said to Luke Skywalker: “You must unlearn what you have learned.”

 “Awareness of breathing.” 

Kobe & MJ

This is liberation of the mind. Liberation means that even in the most horrendous circumstances we know we have a choice about how we respond to what’s happening around us.

Tai chi now informs everything I do. I meet hard with soft; I absorb and transmute and send force coming at me back in a way that relies on the basic form I learned. My movements are circular and flowing. I work with the graceful arcs of the tai chi form to help people take their aggression and negativity and difficulties and turn them into something beautiful and true. By making the hard soft, we transform so many of life’s difficulties. What seems aggressive and intractable, a threatening assault that contorts us into an uncomfortable position or painfully pushes 

As we unlock, we become sensitive to the way the slightest things can make all the difference. The way we wash the dishes is not separate from how we treat each other. All of life demands of us care, attention, and appreciation. Every human being is worthy of respect.

There was something glorious about this quest, and a bit maddening: to give yourself over to seeking rather than finding

It was so open- ended. There was always more. And you knew you would never master even a fraction of it. Sifu asked us to cultivate a spirit of inquiry, an exquisite inquisitiveness and commitment to embrace the unknown. And to do it with joy. That was the spirit of her dojo, and I carry that spirit with me in everything I do.


Pregame Routine 

Eye of the hurricane

Michael Jordan

Teachability of MJ & Kobe

Honestly expressing ourselves is about being fully engaged. We express what’s inside us for no particular reason other than the joy of the moment. We don’t withhold. We just focus on doing the task at hand to the best of our ability. We do what we’re doing. Make a pass, set a screen, negotiate a contract, sing a lullaby to our child before bed, write an email— it doesn’t matter. Be in touch with your authentic self. That is what the Zen saying that Phil quotes— chop wood, carry water— conveys. Just do. Don’t second- guess yourself. It’s not that our wants and needs aren’t real. But there is also a deeper reality at work, and we need to come into tune with that as well as taking care of ourselves. And as we experience that deeper reality and our authentic self, as we come into accord with them, we find that our needs get taken care of in a way that is often new and wonderful.


Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they’ve been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It’s an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It’s a dare. Impossible 

is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.

— Muhammad Ali



Finding the right pace and a rhythm to our life is essential. 

Error Attribution

The caterpillar falls to the ground and then dies.

“What do you think the story means?” I ask the kids. “What’s the lesson here?”

“You’ve got to do it for yourself,” I remember one young girl saying. “No one can make you into a butterfly.”

“That’s exactly right,” I said, glad that the message had gotten through. “The lesson is that it is by struggling to get out of the chrysalis that you build the strength to fly. I’m sorry to say it’s the same for all of us. You have to build yourselves up. You have to know adversity in order to become strong inside.”

And I know that you know that your heart doesn’t know anything about arithmetic. Your soul isn’t controlled by algorithms. It takes trust. It takes being able to make mistakes and not get down on yourself. It takes being able to realize you have a choice, even when you think you don’t. If you remember one thing about our talk today, let it be this— you always have a choice.


The question is always: 

The most fortunate people, I say “are not the people who are rich or famous but those who are able to live in a state of energizing enthusiasm.”


It is not about sitting on a cushion contemplating emptiness. It is mindfulness on the go, being in flow and in the moment, yet in motion; it is when we’re at our most active, most dynamic. When movement comes out of the stillness, there’s a knowing, a wisdom of what to do, how to do, and when to do. The seeing and doing co- arise without a hair’s breadth between them. In fact, it’s more about being than doing because there is no doer. Something larger than ourselves is speaking and acting through us. And we know: this is what we were born for— it is the be- all and end- all, the alpha and the omega.

Recommended Reading: 

The Mindful Athlete by George Mumford 

The Distillation of Michael Jordan 

Lessons Learned from Kobe: Inside The Mamba Mentality 

The Distillation of Phil Jackson 

Eleven Rings by Phil Jackson 


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