
Podcast Description

Episode Notes👇

Sean Foley is regarded as one of if not the greatest golf teachers in history. Sean has coached some of the best players in the world including Tiger Woods, Justin Rose, Cameron Champ, Lydia Ko, and Danny Willett. He has been voted as the top golf teacher in the world by players on the PGA Tour.

 Sean Foley Performance in Orlando, Florida, offers elite golf training and a world-class experience for players of all ages. Sean’s core teaching philosophy is driven by a passion to help golfers evolve into the best players and people they can be, incorporating biomechanics, leading technology, physiology, performance psychology and philosophy into his instruction.

On this episode Sean dives into the biggest barriers people need to overcome for high performance, how to challenge your beliefs that are holding you back and what he’s learned coaching some of the all time great players in the world. 

Overcoming Barriers for High Performance

Section Overview: In this section, Sean discusses the biggest barriers people need to overcome for high performance.

Biggest Barriers for High Performance

  •  The biggest barrier is often our own beliefs that are holding us back.
  •  To overcome these beliefs, we need to challenge them and ask ourselves if they are really true.
  • As a coach working with someone who has lost their game, it’s important to understand that their physical skill set may not be the only thing holding them back and often is more mental.

 Climbing to Success

Climbing Mountains as an Analogy for Success

  •  When working with someone whose physical skill set is not competent and mentally they’re all over the shop, it’s important to enjoy their company because the climb you have to take is steep and freezing.
  •  Getting to the summit is not the end, it’s just the beginning of a bigger climb.

 Society’s Focus on Results Over Process

Section Overview: In this section, the speaker talks about society’s focus on results over process. He uses Jeff Bezos as an example of someone who focuses on process rather than results.

Results vs Process

  •  Society has a focus on results rather than process.
  •  Jeff Bezos focuses on process rather than results.
  •  The first part of building something is often the hardest part but it’s not visible to others.

 Growth Takes Time

Section Overview: In this section, the speaker talks about how growth takes time and uses the example of a building being constructed to illustrate this point.

Growth Takes Time

  •  Growth takes time and is often not visible to others.
  •  The construction of a building is an example of how growth takes time. The first part, turning the land into where they could put a foundation on it, took two years but when you’re driving by you can’t really see workers pouring concrete.
  •  There are plenty of plants on earth that take a couple of years to grow nine or ten inches and then over the next six months they grow like 10 feet.

 Failure Means Feedback

Section Overview: In this section, Sean Foley talks about how failure is a necessary part of the learning process and how it leads to wisdom. He also discusses the importance of experience in gaining true understanding.

Struggling Leads to Wisdom

  •  Failure means feedback.
  •  True understanding comes from struggling and solving problems.
  •  Experience is necessary for gaining true understanding.

Importance of Experience

  •  Understanding cannot be great without experience.
  •  Watching something does not equate to experiencing it.
  •  Embracing fear and discomfort is necessary for growth.

 Overcoming Fear

Section Overview: In this section, Sean Foley talks about the role of fear in our lives and how we can overcome it to achieve our goals.

The Bridge Analogy

  •  Life is like being on a bridge with foggy surroundings.
  •  Fear arises when we encounter the unknown.
  •  Going back is not always the best option; sometimes, we need to move forward despite our fears.

Embracing Fear

  •  It’s okay to have fear; embracing it can lead to growth.
  •  Capitulating to fear limits our experiences and potential.

 Empathy and Kindness

Section Overview: In this section, Sean Foley talks about empathy, kindness, and self-improvement.

Everyone Has Wounds

  •  Everyone has something they are struggling with or wounded by.
  •  Treating others with kindness regardless of their background or status can lead to greater empathy.


  •  Kindness is more important than success or grades.

 Teaching Proper Breathing Techniques

Section Overview: In this section, the speaker discusses how teaching proper breathing techniques can help govern the nervous system and improve performance.

Importance of Proper Breathing

  • Improper breathing can lead to a more sympathetic nervous system response.
  • Teaching proper breathing techniques can help activate the parasympathetic nervous system and improve performance.

 The Role of Technique in Performance

Poor Technique Leads to Poor Performance

  • Poor technique is often responsible for poor performance and understanding how neurons and cells work together to automate movement is key to improving technique.

Learning from Neuroscientists

  • Working with neuroscientists helped the Sean better understand how to identify poor technique.
  • Looking at videos of athletes when they were younger can provide clues about what went wrong with their technique.

 Climbing Towards SuccessStarting at Base Camp

  • When starting out on a journey towards success, it’s important to recognize that you’re at base camp and you’re a beginner.
  • This is where you start climbing towards your goal, but it’s also where you realize just how big and massive your goal really is. It can be fearful but you need to keep climbing!

Recognizing Unbalance

  • Life is chaotic and random, so there’s no real balance when it comes to achieving success.
  • Instead of trying to find balance or unbalance, it’s important to be present wherever you are and recognize that that’s where you’re meant to be.

 Raising Kids in the Digital Age

Section Overview: In this section, Sean talks about how he raised his kids during the digital age and how it affected their skills.

Impact of iPads on Kids

  • Sean thought that iPads were perfect for raising kids as it acted as babysitter.
  • He admits that he eroded his children’s neurons by exposing them to too much screen time.
  • However, he believes that his children gained valuable computer skills from using iPads. There’s positives and negatives to most things and you need to understand the complexity in this.

Dealing with Discomfort

  •  When feeling discomfort or anxiety, Sean advises sitting with the feeling rather than analyzing it.
  • He suggests recognizing that the discomfort will eventually pass.

 Path of No Resistance

Challenging Domesticated Systems

  •  Sean mentions Garrett Kramer’s book “Stillpower” which challenges traditional ideas about willpower.
  • Kramer argues for a path of no resistance instead of relying on willpower. Very similar to Robert Fritz’s The Path of Least Resistance

Gratitude and Acceptance

  •  Sean believes that focusing on gratitude and acceptance leads to a path of no resistance.
  • He suggests accepting bad experiences as they come and recognizing that they are necessary for growth. This isn’t easy but is a skill that can be cultivated overtime.
  • Daniel Goleman discusses some meditation techniques that can be helpful HERE

 Positive Thinking vs. Experience

Non-Judgmental Experience

  •  Sean is not a fan of positive thinking or negative thinking.
  • He emphasizes the importance of experiencing life without judgment.

Gratitude in All Experiences

  •  Sean believes that focusing on the timeline of events can lead to gratitude in all experiences.
  • He suggests recognizing that everything happens for a reason and being grateful for both good and bad experiences make a profound difference in your life.

 Understanding Emotions

Section Overview: In this section, the Sean talks about how he feels happy and how it is not related to external factors. He also discusses how he reacts to traffic and how it affects his mood.

Traffic and Mood

  •  The speaker talks about being angry in traffic but realizes that it may be because of his lack of preparation.
  • He recognizes that what happens outside of him does not affect him as much as his reaction to it.
  • The speaker emphasizes the importance of creating meta perspectives and having non-negotiables.

 Coaching, Parenting, and Life

Section Overview: In this section, Sean talks about coaching, parenting, and life. He discusses the challenges associated with each role and shares some insights on how to navigate them.

Coaching Is Hard

  • Sean shares his experience with coaching where he feels bulletproof in the morning but scared to talk in the afternoon.
  • He acknowledges that coaching is hard but recognizes that players do not need him to be on all the time.

Parenting Is Impossible

  • Sean emphasizes the difficulty of being a parent by saying “being a parent is impossible.”
  • He shares his non-negotiables for parenting which include kindness, sleep, exercise, and reading.
  • Sean Foley acknowledges that enforcing these non-negotiables can be challenging but believes they are essential for raising children.

Making Mistakes

  • He talks about how he and his brother made mistakes in their early 20s but were able to learn from them.
  • He credits his parents for allowing them to make mistakes while still being stern about the non-negotiables.

 Authenticity and Soul

Section Overview: In this section, Sean talks about authenticity and soul. He discusses how our souls have a detector that can detect authenticity and shares some insights on duality.


  • Sean believes that our souls have a detector that can detect authenticity.
  • He acknowledges that there are times when he talks about things he does not fully understand yet.


  • Seanmentions duality, such as yin and yang, right or wrong, hot or cold.
  • He acknowledges that there is a deeper level to duality but finds it too heavy to talk about.

Historical Hatred & Disdain

  • The speaker reflects on how many long-standing conflicts in human society are based on beliefs that were inundated into people before they even had access to choosing what they thought.
  • He suggests that if everyone over the age of six left those areas and all books were removed within two generations, there would be homeostasis.

 Love vs Hate

Love is Natural, Hate is Taught

  •  Love is more natural than hate.
  •  Hate is taught.

Trauma Affects People Differently

  •  People react differently to trauma.
  •  Some people get PTSD from war while others don’t.
  •  Turbulence on a plane can be uncomfortable and scary because of the fear of crashing.

Understanding Behavior

  •  People’s behavior may not be entirely their fault.
  •  Our actions are governed by things happening behind the curtains in our minds.
  •  Don’t take other people’s behavior personally because it has nothing to do with you.

 Social Media and Perception

Section Overview: In this section, the speaker talks about social media and perception. He also discusses how our perception of others can affect our feelings towards them.

Direct Relationships on Social Media

  •  The speaker values direct relationships on social media over having many followers.
  •  He tries to respond to every comment and DM he receives.

Perception Affects Feelings Towards Others

  •  The speaker used to have issues with other people but realized that his disdain for them was driven by jealousy and envy.
  •  Our perception of others can affect how we feel about them.
  •  People’s behavior towards us is a reflection of where they are within themselves.

 Overcoming Mental Blocks

Feeling a Certain Way is Not Necessary

  •  You don’t need to feel a certain way to do something.
  •  There may be times when you don’t want to do something but you have to push through it.

Pushing Through Difficult Situations

  •  Sometimes, pushing through difficult situations can lead to unexpected success.

Masculinity and Vulnerability

  • The men at the table were alphas but also chiefs who were loved rather than feared.
  • The speaker wished he could have 50% masculinity and 50% vulnerability every week.

 Mental Health Issues in Golf and Life

Section Overview: In this section, Sean discusses mental health issues in golf and life.

Training for Mental Health Issues

  •  Mental health issues can be addressed through training.
  • Kids should be taught about electrolytes’ importance in grade one to make it fun for them to learn.
  • Parents should put electrolytes in their children’s water instead of giving them unhealthy snacks like Chips Ahoy.

Social Media Moderation

  • Scientists have warned us about social media addiction; moderation is key.


  •  Meditation can help with mental health issues.
  • Kids should be taught to meditate or just breathe prayer meditation daily and be grateful.
  • Respirating is a good way to meditate, and it’s not necessary to sit like the Dalai Lama.

 Importance of Proper Breathing and SleepProper Breathing

  • Sean explains that proper breathing can help individuals feel closer to their creator by inducing a parasympathetic state.
  • Sean emphasizes the importance of proper oxygen and carbon dioxide flow in the body for mental health.

Mandatory Exercise, Reading, and Sunlight

  • Sean suggests making exercise and reading mandatory for children to improve mental health.
  •  Early morning sunlight is also recommended depending on the age of the child. High school students should not start school until at least 10 am due to their biology.

Importance of Sleep

  • Sean explains that sleep is crucial for growth and recovery.
  •  He questions what it means to have a “better mindset” or “positive attitude” when dealing with negative emotions.
  •  Lack of sleep can lead to negative beliefs about oneself that may persist throughout life.

Importance of Humility

  • Sean emphasizes the importance of humility in success and failure.
  •  He uses the example of Navy Seals to illustrate that success is not always about physical strength but rather mental toughness and resilience.

 The Importance of Love and Acceptance

Section Overview: In this section, Sean talks about how love and acceptance are important in life. He also discusses how people who have a strong purpose or reason for doing something are more likely to push through difficult times.

Love is the Structure to Life

  • Sean explains that love is the structure to life, but it’s important to understand that the foundation of that structure is acceptance.
  •  He gives an example of how he loves people and his interactions with them, but he accepts that he doesn’t always agree with their views.
  • Sean emphasizes that being nice isn’t as important as being kind. He believes that kindness is more genuine than niceness.

Purpose Helps Push Through Difficult Times

  • Sean talks about how having a strong purpose or reason for doing something can help push through difficult times.
  •  He gives an example of how some people who become Navy SEALs do so because they saw the towers go down on 9/11 and felt like they had to do something.
  • Sean meets a man who has been a Navy SEAL for 10 years and realizes there was something special about him. He attributes this to the man’s sense of purpose and aura.
  •  He believes that willpower is a “dumb word” and that purpose and love are more important in life.

I’ve studied hundreds of the world’s must successful people and compiled:13 Insights from the World’s Most Successful People – Click Here to get access 


You Unleashed is an online personal development course created by Sean DeLaney after spending years working with and interviewing high achievers.The online course that helps you ‘Unleash your potential’!

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