
You Unleashed

We help you unleash your potential

You Unleashed is the online course that will help you discover what you’re capable of and develop the mindsets, behaviors, and habits to become extraordinary. 

Course Overview

Section 1. Build Your Foundation 

In section One we’ll build your foundation for creating an extraordinary life by creating the vision of what an extraordinary life looks like and who you need to become in order to make that happen. This section will help you establish your life foundation which is built on 3 main pillars, your Vision, your Values and your Purpose which will come together at the end of this course for your Life Philosophy. 

  1. Vision 
  2. Values
  3. Purpose + Life Philosophy

Section 2. The Road Map to Unleash You

This section is about creating a roadmap that will get you on the right trajectory towards your vision and living out your purpose. It’s the Roadmap to UNLEASH YOU!  We’ll do this by covering 3 key ingredients to make that happen. 

  1. The first is, The Performance Gap- Going from where you are to where you want to get to requires holding up the mirror of truth and getting an accurate assessment of where you’re at and why you haven’t accomplished what you want to accomplish or become who you want to become. 
  2. Next we explore everything around how to Create Your Growth Goals. We need to create growth goals that will inspire you and allow you to persist through them to turn your vision into reality. 
  3. Then the final part is all about Operationalizing Excellence- This gets done through our Habits!  We form habits and our habits form our futures. So you might as well form the future you want! 
  1. The Performance Gap 
  2. Creating Growth Goals
  3. Operationalizing Excellence With Habits 

Section 3. Become a Champion of Your Mind

If you want to live a great life you can’t do it unless you are in the driver’s seat of your mind and the information you learn in this section is going to put you in the driver’s seat. No longer will your happiness and attitude be determined by the outside world but you are going to take back control and be the one who shapes the world you live in. We do this by revealing the scientific research behind the power of belief and how you can develop your self-belief.  You will learn about the necessary virtue of courage and how this will be a muscle you can develop. We’ll teach you how to develop your willpower and never again not be able to follow through on the things you want to get done. 

  1.  Develop Your Self Belief
  2. Winning The Inner Game 
    1. Conquering Control  
    2. Develop an Iron Will 
    3. Cultivating Courage 

Section 4. The Key Tools to Unleash You 

In order to perform at our best, we need to have the right tools to be at our best. In order to do that I’m going to provide you with guidance on how we can train our minds and body to cultivate the conditions, we need to achieve excellence in our own lives.  In order to think right we have to feel right and in order to feel right, we have to think right. 

The mind and body go hand in hand and to maximize our potential we need to work daily on each of these.  We teach you the four foundational tools you need for both your mind and body and give you guidance on how to bring these tools into your daily life. 

    1. Body
  • Eat
  • Move
  • Breathe
  • Sleep 
    2. Mind
  • Meditation 
  • Visualization 
  • Gratitude 
  • Focus

Section 5. Unleashing You 

Let’s start with the simple fact that no one does this alone. We need the support of others and in order for that cycle to continue, we must share what we’re learning with others.

If you want to advance in life the only way to do it is through what I call building your tribe. Before you can build your tribe you need to understand what type of tribe you want to build and what type of mentors you want to model. This section will focus on finding models to emulate and the PLUS, MINUS, EQUALS equation of mentorships. 

  1. Finding Models & Mentors 
  2. Final Step to Become Unleashed 

You Unleashed is for anyone who wants to…

  • Give life everything you’re capable of and uncover what the best version of yourself looks like! If you know you’re capable of more and want to unleash that potential on the world then this will be the life-changing course that helps you bring that out. 
  • Get clarity on what truly matters in life and build your life around those things! Most people don’t end up where they want to in life because they don’t know where they’re trying to get to. After this course you will have absolute clarity about what an extraordinary life looks like and who you need to become in order to achieve that life. 
  • Overcome your limiting beliefs and fears that are holding you back! Most people never tap into their potential because they let fear and limiting beliefs hold them back. We shift your mindset and give you the tools needed to tap into courage you never knew existed. You will no longer hold yourself back from going after your dreams. 
  • Uncover your deeper Why, your values and your life philosophy! We make you look inwards to ask the right questions so you have clarity on the most important elements of creating a meaning life that leaves you fulfilled and without regrets. 
  • Develop the mindsets, behaviors and habits of the extraordinary game changers! We provide you with the tools and exercises to help you develop the necessary skills you need to get control of your mind, develop your emotional control, and get in the driver’s seat of your happiness
  • Know you’re capable of more but need help tapping into your potential and bringing it out. You’re meant for bigger things in this life and through our instructional videos and exercises we help you tap into the potential that’s been waiting to come out. 

You Unleashed

We help you unleash your potential
$ 500
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