
The Ultimate Unlock for Optimal Performance

Where does optimal performance begin? With Awareness.

To truly step into the arena of your potential, it is crucial to actively engage in practices that elevate your awareness. Without a profound understanding of both your mental and physical states, you remain more than just a spectator; you are entirely outside the stadium of possibility.

It’s about fine-tuning your awareness to understand the nuances of your thoughts, emotions and physical abilities. This heightened awareness isn’t just an add-on; it’s the very foundation of peak performance.

Only by deeply tuning into ourselves can we play ‘the game’ at our highest level, making decisions that align with our abilities and navigating challenges with a clarity that comes from within.

It’s quite revealing to observe that even among those operating in high-stakes environments, where the pressures are immense, the challenges enormous and many times the stakes involve massive financial outcomes, there is often a lack of deep understanding about the personal drivers of high performance. This lack of self-awareness is not just a minor oversight; it’s a critical gap in their operational strategy.

The key to unlocking their highest potential lies in gaining a heightened awareness of what truly aligns with their optimal performance and what factors detract from it.

Are you deeply attuned to the factors that put you into a peak performance state and which detract from it? If not, then you’re missing out on a massive opportunity. 

High performance, particularly in environments such as professional sports, fast paced business world and financial markets with significant monetary implications, is not just about technical skill or knowledge. It’s also about understanding the nuanced interplay of mental, emotional, and physical states that enable one to operate at an optimal level. 

For many, this understanding remains elusive.

They may be aware of the surface-level stressors but lack insight into the deeper, more subtle elements that can either propel them into the zone of heightened performance or knock them out of it.

Achieving this state consistently requires more than just hard work and dedication; it necessitates a keen awareness of the conditions and factors that foster such a state.

The journey to heightened awareness begins with introspection and self-analysis. Individuals must take the time to reflect on past performances, both successful and otherwise, to identify patterns. What mental and physical conditions were present during times of peak performance? What were the distractions or stressors that led to subpar outcomes? 

Do you know the impact your commute has on you? What foods bring out greater cognitive ability? What people drain your energy? What information do you need to consume daily to stay in your zone?

Everything we encounter has an ability to leave a residue on our mind. Do you want that residue to be cement holding you back, or rocket fuel propelling you forward?

This process of reflection can uncover personal performance indicators – specific conditions or actions that consistently lead to high or low performance.

Once these indicators are identified, the next step is to actively cultivate conditions that engage these indicators that align with high performance. This might involve creating routines or rituals that help enter a flow state, modifying the work environment, or developing strategies to manage stress and distractions.

It also means making conscious choices about where to direct energy and focus. Directing energy and focus to these alignment factors is not a one-time effort; it’s an ongoing process of adjustment and refinement. It requires a commitment to self-improvement and a willingness to experiment and learn continually.

This is all a skill that can be cultivated. But how much time do you allocate to training your mind everyday?

If you’re not dedicating time daily to training your psychological toolkit, then you have no chance of scratching the surface of your potential. 

We often overlook this crucial aspect of personal development, mistakenly believing that our cognitive and emotional capacities will somehow enhance themselves. This oversight is one of the significant barriers to performance.

Consider this analogy: if you had a plant, you would naturally water and nurture it to ensure its growth and vitality. Why, then, do we neglect such care when it comes to our minds? Our mental faculties, much like a plant, need consistent nurturing. This isn’t a luxury; it’s a necessity for anyone aiming to excel and lead a more fulfilling life.

The ultimate goal is to develop a personal blueprint for high performance – a unique combination of practices, conditions, and mindsets that enable individuals to consistently perform at their best, especially when the stakes are high.

True mastery of high performance in high-stakes environments goes beyond technical expertise and experience. It hinges on the development of a deep, nuanced awareness of personal performance drivers and the commitment to aligning actions and environments with these drivers. This heightened awareness and alignment are the true unlocks to achieving and sustaining high performance.

How do you do this?

The fastest route is you need someone in your life – a friend, coach, mentor- who can provide real time feedback, challenge you and open up gateways to deep self-analysis.

My role as a coach is to facilitate this mental unlocking, empowering individuals to consistently embody their full potential across the various roles they play in life.

The journey towards optimal performance is not just about identifying and responding to external stimuli; it’s about developing an acute internal awareness that guides decision-making and action in every aspect of life.

The process of mental unlocking begins with fostering a deeper understanding of oneself. This understanding encompasses not just one’s professional identity but also personal and social roles. Whether it’s as a leader in the boardroom, a team player in collaborative projects, a partner in relationships, or a parent at home, each role demands different aspects of an individual’s capabilities.

A great coach helps to bridge these roles, ensuring that the awareness and alignment achieved in one area seamlessly translate to others.

This holistic approach is crucial because the skills and insights gained in one area of life can profoundly impact others. It’s also critical to understand that our greatest strengths tend to be a double edged sword leading to just as strong of a weakness in other areas of our lives.

For instance, the discipline and focus required for professional success can also be a major detriment to your family life if you can’t channel that deep focus away from work. The key is to cultivate a mindset that is aware, adaptable and responsive, capable of navigating different scenarios while maintaining a core sense of self.

Through immersive coaching, I assist individuals in developing a heightened sense of awareness about their mental and emotional states, their physical well-being, and how these elements interconnect. This awareness is the foundation upon which we build strategies for alignment and performance. It involves not only recognizing one’s strengths and weaknesses but also understanding how various aspects of one’s life interact and impact each other.

The process involves a series of reflective practices, strategic planning, and the implementation of tailored routines and habits that foster optimal performance. These practices are designed to make individuals more attuned to their internal cues and better equipped to respond to external challenges effectively. By doing so, individuals can navigate their professional and personal lives with greater ease, confidence, and effectiveness.

Moreover, this journey is about transformation. It’s about moving beyond traditional metrics of success to embrace a more fulfilling, purpose-driven approach to life. By unlocking this heightened state of awareness, individuals can move closer to realizing a deeper sense of potential, not just in isolated areas, but across the entire spectrum of their lives. The ultimate goal is consistent excellence – a state where one’s potential is not just an occasional peak experience but a sustained reality.

In essence, my coaching unlocks a transformative pathway. It’s a journey that leads to self-discovery, alignment, and the consistent embodiment of one’s ability in every aspect of life. It’s about creating a life where excellence becomes a habit, and fulfillment is the norm, not the exception.

Interested in working with me? Sean@whatgotyouthere.com


If this article resonated with you, then I hope you’ll checkout and order my new book, Masterpiece in Progress: A Daily Guide to a Life Well Crafted

Prepare to dive into a year-long journey of self-improvement and inspiration. With each passing day, you’ll uncover valuable insights and guidance to shape a life filled with purpose and achievement.

You can order it on Amazon HERE

Checkout what these masters of their craft are saying about my book: 

“Sean DeLaney crafts a master class in personal development. This book is about the art of AMPing up your life.”  – Frank Slootman, CEO, Snowflake and author of Amp It Up

“Operating in some of the world’s most challenging environments, I’ve seen firsthand the importance of grit, resilience, and relentless pursuit of excellence. Masterpiece in Progress embodies these principles, offering a roadmap to all who aim to conquer their personal and professional battles.”— Michael Burns, US Navy SEAL (Retired), Bronze Star Medal with Valor

“Sean DeLaney’s Masterpiece in Progress is a playbook for life. Dive in, train hard, and see results.” – Monica Seles, former World No. 1 Tennis Player and Nine-Time Grand Slam Champion

“The brilliance of Masterpiece in Progress is its ability to impact us all and in all aspects of our lives, whether you’re an athlete, entrepreneur, author, aspiring executive, parent, friend, coach or mentor. Sean’s insights light your path as he delves deep, providing not just inspiration but tangible tools to help you craft the life you envision. A master class in self-growth and a must read.” – Scott O’Neil, CEO, Merlin Entertainments and former CEO of Philadelphia 76ers and New Jersey Devils

“Sean’s beautiful, thoughtful writing reminds you what’s important and calls your attention to a perspective that lifts your spirit each day. Highly recommended.” – Derek Sivers, author, sive.rs

“In Masterpiece in Progress, Sean DeLaney invites us to become the architects of our own lives. Reading it is like undergoing a transformation, and it offers sustainable inspiration. Sean’s words resonate deeply, urging one to craft a life that is your masterpiece.” – Dr. Tara Swart, neuroscientist, Senior Lecturer at MIT Sloan and author of bestseller The Source


The Power of the Invisible: Unseen Forces That Shape Our Lives

The Little Prince. Prince and Fox With Inspirational Quote. - Etsy

 “What is essential is invisible to the eye.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

In a world enamored by the tangible, our eyes are naturally drawn to what we can see, touch, and quantify. There’s a certain comfort in physical metrics and milestones, a straightforwardness that offers both a clear direction and the satisfaction of accomplishment. From business KPIs to personal achievements, we’ve been conditioned to gauge our success and self-worth by the visible markers we reach. And while these tangible indicators have their place and importance, they merely represent the tip of the iceberg. Below the surface lies the vast expanse of the invisible, the undercurrents that truly shape our journey.

These invisible motivators often work in the shadows, shaping our choices and dictating our actions. They manifest as the fears that anchor us, the self-doubts that extinguish our aspirations, and the anxieties that paralyze us. Yet, on the flip side, these same unseen forces can be the wind beneath our wings. They embody the love that defies odds, the passion that spreads like wildfire, and the unwavering self-belief that inspires us to take daring leaps into the unknown. To truly thrive in life’s journey, we must master the art of harnessing these unseen forces. This article will explore how.

My coaching clients frequently approach me with an earnest desire to optimize their routines, to streamline their processes, and to, quite frankly, do more in less time. Their ambitions are clear: increase productivity, accomplish goals, and earn more. On the face of it, these are commendable objectives. Yet, diving deeper, a pattern emerges. An overemphasis on the overt, while neglecting the covert, creates a skewed trajectory, one that’s unsustainable and potentially perilous. 

It’s akin to obsessing over the aesthetics of a house while its foundation crumbles. It’s a pattern I’ve come across repeatedly: a relentless pursuit of outward milestones while the soul silently fractures.

One client’s reflection encapsulated this sentiment eloquently: “I’ve invested decades honing my professional abilities, sharpening decision-making abilities, and mastering the nuances of asset management. Yet, these achievements, however significant, are overshadowed by life’s immeasurable treasures like my family and inner peace. If I’d realized this sooner, my priorities would have aligned differently.”

The unseen anchors the seen, giving it depth and meaning. Without a foundation rooted in the intangible, even the most impressive visible achievements can teeter on the brink of emptiness. 

Wealth is empty without the warmth of a loving family. Even with an unmatched intellect, if your work drains your spirit, what’s the point? And millions on social media? I’d swap that in a heartbeat for a moment of genuine inner tranquility. The intangibles, often taken for granted, are what provide true value and purpose to our visible accomplishments.

So let this be your awakening: rather than being consumed by ticking of boxes, productivity enhancing processes, and the relentless chase for more, turn your gaze inward to the intangible wonders that truly shape our lives.

What’s Essential

The invisible aspects of our lives—our mindset, thoughts, emotions—are the gears that drive the visible. Without them, the machine simply doesn’t work.

As Antoine de Saint-Exupéry noted in his classic work, “The Little Prince,”: “What is essential is invisible to the eye.” 

You can’t hold inspiration in your hand, or measure the depth of love with any instrument, or confine creativity to a physical space. Yet, their influence pervades every aspect of our lives. Think about it: our fondest memories are not of the things we bought but of the love we shared, the ideas we birthed, and the moments of inspiration that propelled us forward. 

Redirecting Our Focus

In redirecting our focus towards these intangible treasures, we invest in deeper, more meaningful experiences. These unseen forces don’t just enrich our lives; they elevate them, offering a depth and richness that the material world can’t provide. 

It’s a compelling reminder that sometimes, what we don’t see holds the most power. 

Love, for instance, cannot be quantified or held, but its reverberations are felt in every corner of our existence. It binds us, drives us, and offers solace in moments of turmoil. It’s the silent strength behind countless sacrifices, the driving force behind acts of heroism, and the comforting embrace in times of distress. Love’s absence or presence can pivot the course of our lives in ways no material possession ever could.

Creativity, another unseen force, fuels our drive to innovate and evolve. While we can see its manifestations in art, literature, and inventions, the spark of creativity itself — that initial burst of insight — remains intangible. It’s the voice that challenges the status quo, the inner urge that pushes us to tread uncharted territories, and the soul’s whisper that encourages us to express and reimagine.

Inspiration, often fleeting and elusive, acts as the wind beneath our wings. It’s that intangible nudge that encourages a weary soul to take one more step, a jaded mind to see things in a new light, and a dormant heart to pulsate with renewed zeal. Like a silent beacon, it guides us through the dark alleys of despair and towards avenues brimming with possibilities.

If we were to pause and reflect, we’d realize that the moments we cherish most, the memories we hold closest, and the milestones that truly matter are intertwined with these unseen threads. While the tangible world offers temporary gratification, the intangible bestows lasting fulfillment. In a chase for the visible, let’s not become blind to the profound power of the unseen. 

Invisible Chains: The Barriers Within

Life is not just influenced by the harmonious and uplifting invisible forces; it’s equally, if not more so, swayed by the unseen barriers that inhabit the corners of our minds. Learning to dance with these invisible saboteurs will define our lives.

Fears: The Dark Shadows

Fears often act as omnipresent overseers, casting long shadows over our aspirations and actions. They are, unfortunately, evolutionary remnants, once crucial for our survival, warning us of potential threats. But in our modern world, they often manifest in ways that no longer serve our well-being. Whether it’s the fear of failure, rejection, or the unknown, these silent alarms hold us back from taking risks, experimenting with new ideas, or even expressing ourselves fully. We become ensnared, operating within a self-imposed boundary, lest we face the perceived dire consequences.

Self-Doubts: The Silenced Whispers

If fears are the loud shouts, self-doubts are the constant whispers, subtly yet incessantly questioning our worth, abilities, and decisions. “Am I good enough? What if I’m making a mistake? Maybe they were right about me.” Such self-inflicted interrogations sap our confidence. Instead of seeing challenges as opportunities for growth, we begin to see them as affirmations of our inadequacies. These doubts, however subtle, can deter us from pursuing passions, presenting ideas, or even standing up for ourselves.

Anxieties: The Unending Tidal Waves

Then there are anxieties, the relentless waves that keep crashing onto the shores of our psyche. In today’s hyper-connected world, anxieties have found fertile ground, feeding on the constant influx of information, the comparisons on social media, and the unyielding societal pressures. The “What ifs?” associated with anxieties don’t just focus on self-worth, but expand to all facets of life. “What if something goes wrong? What if they don’t like me? What if I don’t meet the deadline?” These persistent concerns, though often baseless, can paralyze us, preventing decisive actions and fostering a state of perpetual unease.

The Fear of Judgment: Holding Back Authenticity

A particularly pervasive and debilitating invisible chain is the fear of judgment. The societal lens, real or imagined, can be ruthlessly critical. We often find ourselves donning masks, portraying versions of ourselves that we believe are more acceptable or commendable. The genuine laughter, honest opinions, or unique quirks get subdued, replaced by rehearsed responses and standardized behaviors. We trade our authenticity for approval, never realizing that true fulfillment and connection arise from being authentically ourselves.

In understanding these barriers, we stand better equipped to confront and overcome them. The journey may be challenging, but the destination — a life unburdened by these invisible chains — is undoubtedly worth the effort.

Breaking Free: Training the Mind

Recognizing these unseen forces is only the first step. The real challenge lies in working with them and then mastering them. 

The unseen facets of our lives—both the empowering and limiting forces—are not static elements that fate has preordained. Just as we hone physical skills, we can train our minds to harness the positive intangibles and overcome the negative ones. By understanding this profound reality, we realize that we possess the capacity to amplify our strengths and manage, if not entirely overcome, our vulnerabilities.

Awareness: The Starting Point

The first step in training these intangible skills lies in cultivating a deep sense of awareness. Without recognizing the narratives we tell ourselves, the fears that subtly direct our choices, or the passions that fuel our ambitions, we remain mere puppets to these unseen forces. Awareness allows us to observe without judgment, to understand without immediate reaction, giving us the space to decide our next steps consciously.

Empowering the Positive through Self-Talk

Positive self-talk is a formidable tool in reinforcing our strengths. By actively choosing words of affirmation and encouragement, we reshape the internal monologues that play in the back of our minds. Instead of being our harshest critics, we become our most fervent cheerleaders, reinforcing beliefs that align with our goals and aspirations.

Harnessing the power of positive self-talk requires more than just generic affirmations; it demands a focus on aspects within our control and a grounding in our past accomplishments. By centering our internal dialogues on actions we can influence, we foster a sense of agency and resilience. 

  • Recall a time when you faced a daunting task and felt overwhelmed. Maybe it was delivering a public speech or tackling a challenging project. Instead of letting apprehension take over, anchor yourself with memories of similar past successes. Remind yourself: “I’ve successfully presented in meetings before, I can do this.” or “I’ve navigated challenging projects in the past, I have the skills to handle this.” This approach not only reaffirms your capabilities but also roots your confidence in concrete experiences. As we consistently frame our self-talk around controllable variables and past achievements, we fortify our mental fortresses, becoming both our anchor and our compass in life’s turbulent seas.

Visualization: Painting Success in the Mind’s Eye

Visualization or positive mental imagery takes the process a step further. By mentally rehearsing our goals, by ‘seeing’ ourselves succeed, navigate challenges, or make impactful decisions, we train our minds to navigate the road ahead. This not only bolsters confidence but also prepares us for potential challenges, ensuring that when faced with real-world scenarios, our responses are more instinctual and aligned with our visualized outcomes.

Dedicating just 10 minutes daily to visualization can profoundly shift your perspective and drive. Moreover, sprinkling your day with several one-minute visualization sessions can be equally transformative, offering bursts of clarity and motivation throughout your day.

Mindfulness: The Anchor to the Present

Mindfulness practices, such as meditation, ground us firmly in the present moment. They enable us to experience life with heightened clarity, ensuring that we’re not ensnared by past regrets or future anxieties. By being ‘present,’ we gain a heightened sensitivity to our internal states, allowing us to recognize and address negative patterns before they gain momentum.

At its core, mindfulness is about cultivating awareness, a refined attentiveness to our thoughts, emotions, and sensations as they unfold in real-time. Engaging in mindfulness practices like meditation, we anchor ourselves in the now, leaving behind the weight of past grievances and the haze of future uncertainties.

One of my favorite meditation practices is Body Scanning: 

  • Starting from the top of your head and moving downwards, methodically pay attention to each part of the body, noting sensations—be it tension, warmth, cold, or even numbness. This not only fosters present-moment awareness but also helps in detecting areas of stress or tension in the body that we might otherwise overlook.

Over time, these practices refine our internal radar, making us more attuned to our inner environment. This heightened awareness allows us to spot the inception of negative thoughts or emotional spirals early on, offering a window to intervene, redirect, or simply acknowledge and let go. Thus, we not only cultivate a stronger presence of mind but also equip ourselves with the tools to navigate the complexities of our inner landscape with grace and wisdom.

Seeking Wisdom: Engaging in Transformative Dialogues

Conversations with individuals who have treaded paths we aspire to can be enlightening. These wisdom talks not only offer practical insights but also provide perspective, helping us navigate our internal landscapes with greater dexterity. By learning from their experiences, triumphs, and failures, we can anticipate and prepare for similar challenges, ensuring our responses are more measured and informed.

Questions like these are a great way to gain insight from wise elders:

  • What is the most significant lesson you’ve learned in your journey?
  • Have you ever faced a situation where you felt completely out of depth? How did you navigate through it?
  • Was there a piece of advice or feedback that catalyzed a major shift in your thinking or behavior?
  • What values have guided your decisions and actions throughout your life?
    • Have your values or beliefs ever been challenged? How did you respond?
  • Are there any mental models or frameworks you rely on in decision-making or problem-solving?
  • What books, resources, or individuals would you recommend for someone eager to learn and grow?

Journaling: Reflective Exploration of the Self

Journaling exercises are yet another powerful tool in this training regimen. By committing our thoughts, fears, aspirations, and reflections to paper, we initiate a dialogue with ourselves. This introspective exploration helps in distilling clarity from the chaos, giving us a clearer picture of where we stand, what holds us back, and what propels us forward.

In Conclusion: Embracing the Journey of Self-Mastery

Understanding that the invisible dimensions of our lives are trainable skills is empowering. It implies that with dedication, intentionality, and the right tools, we can sculpt our internal world, amplifying the positive forces while mitigating the negative. This journey of self-mastery, while demanding, promises a reward that’s truly invaluable: a life lived with authenticity, purpose, and a deep sense of fulfillment.


If this article resonated with you, then I hope you’ll checkout and order my new book, Masterpiece in Progress: A Daily Guide to a Life Well Crafted

Prepare to dive into a year-long journey of self-improvement and inspiration. With each passing day, you’ll uncover valuable insights and guidance to shape a life filled with purpose and achievement. 

You can order it on Amazon HERE 

Checkout what these masters of their craft are saying about my book: 

“Sean DeLaney crafts a master class in personal development. This book is about the art of AMPing up your life.”  – Frank Slootman, CEO, Snowflake and author of Amp It Up

“Operating in some of the world’s most challenging environments, I’ve seen firsthand the importance of grit, resilience, and relentless pursuit of excellence. Masterpiece in Progress embodies these principles, offering a roadmap to all who aim to conquer their personal and professional battles.”— Michael Burns, US Navy SEAL (Retired), Bronze Star Medal with Valor 

“Sean DeLaney’s Masterpiece in Progress is a playbook for life. Dive in, train hard, and see results.” – Monica Seles, former World No. 1 Tennis Player and Nine-Time Grand Slam Champion

“The brilliance of Masterpiece in Progress is its ability to impact us all and in all aspects of our lives, whether you’re an athlete, entrepreneur, author, aspiring executive, parent, friend, coach or mentor. Sean’s insights light your path as he delves deep, providing not just inspiration but tangible tools to help you craft the life you envision. A master class in self-growth and a must read.” – Scott O’Neil, CEO, Merlin Entertainments and former CEO of Philadelphia 76ers and New Jersey Devils 

“Sean’s beautiful, thoughtful writing reminds you what’s important and calls your attention to a perspective that lifts your spirit each day. Highly recommended.” – Derek Sivers, author, sive.rs

“In Masterpiece in Progress, Sean DeLaney invites us to become the architects of our own lives. Reading it is like undergoing a transformation, and it offers sustainable inspiration. Sean’s words resonate deeply, urging one to craft a life that is your masterpiece.” – Dr. Tara Swart, neuroscientist, Senior Lecturer at MIT Sloan and author of bestseller The Source


Death’s Dual Dance: Grief and Awakening

Death, an inevitable reality, stands as one of the most profound experiences in the human journey. It’s a topic we often shy away from, its mere mention stirring deep emotions and existential reflections. Yet, in its duality, death serves both as a reminder of loss and as a powerful catalyst for celebrating the essence of life.

Losing a loved one is akin to a tear in the fabric of our existence. The person we knew, with whom we shared dreams, memories, and moments, is no longer physically present, leaving behind an echoing void. Grief, in this context, is not just an emotion but a process. It’s a journey of navigating through waves of sadness, anger, acceptance, and eventually, healing. It’s about cherishing memories while coming to terms with an altered reality.

Each individual’s grief journey is unique, shaped by personal experiences, relationships, and coping mechanisms. While the pain might ebb with time, the imprint of the loved one remains, reminding us of the fragility and impermanence of life.

On the flip side, the very impermanence that death highlights can become a profound source of inspiration. When confronted with our mortality, or that of our loved ones, we’re compelled to evaluate the essence of our existence. What truly matters? How do we want to spend our finite days? Such reflections often lead to a renewed appreciation for the present moment and a deeper connection with those around us.

Death underscores the preciousness of life. It reminds us that every sunrise, every laugh shared, every tear shed, and every hand held is a gift. By acknowledging our mortality, we can live more intentionally, prioritizing relationships, experiences, and moments that genuinely enrich our souls.

Death is both an ending and a beginning. It closes chapters, yet opens doors to new awakenings. While it extracts a heavy toll, marking the absence of those we hold dear, it also illuminates the path forward, urging us to live with purpose, passion, and presence. It teaches us that while we cannot control the ebb and flow of life, we possess the agency to determine its meaning and value.

As we journey through the terrains of grief and awakening, it’s vital to remember that death, in all its complexity, is an intrinsic part of the human experience. It challenges our perceptions, reshapes our values, and ultimately guides us towards a deeper appreciation of the ephemeral beauty of life. Embracing its dual facets empowers us to live richer, fuller lives, grounded in love, understanding, and a profound connection to the universe’s eternal dance.



If this article resonated with you, then I hope you’ll checkout and order my new book, Masterpiece in Progress: A Daily Guide to a Life Well Crafted

Prepare to dive into a year-long journey of self-improvement and inspiration. With each passing day, you’ll uncover valuable insights and guidance to shape a life filled with purpose and achievement. 

You can order it on Amazon HERE 

Checkout what these masters of their craft are saying about my book: 

“Sean DeLaney crafts a master class in personal development. This book is about the art of AMPing up your life.”  – Frank Slootman, CEO, Snowflake and author of Amp It Up

“Operating in some of the world’s most challenging environments, I’ve seen firsthand the importance of grit, resilience, and relentless pursuit of excellence. Masterpiece in Progress embodies these principles, offering a roadmap to all who aim to conquer their personal and professional battles.”— Michael Burns, US Navy SEAL (Retired), Bronze Star Medal with Valor 

“Sean DeLaney’s Masterpiece in Progress is a playbook for life. Dive in, train hard, and see results.” – Monica Seles, former World No. 1 Tennis Player and Nine-Time Grand Slam Champion

“The brilliance of Masterpiece in Progress is its ability to impact us all and in all aspects of our lives, whether you’re an athlete, entrepreneur, author, aspiring executive, parent, friend, coach or mentor. Sean’s insights light your path as he delves deep, providing not just inspiration but tangible tools to help you craft the life you envision. A master class in self-growth and a must read.” – Scott O’Neil, CEO, Merlin Entertainments and former CEO of Philadelphia 76ers and New Jersey Devils 

“Sean’s beautiful, thoughtful writing reminds you what’s important and calls your attention to a perspective that lifts your spirit each day. Highly recommended.” – Derek Sivers, author, sive.rs

“In Masterpiece in Progress, Sean DeLaney invites us to become the architects of our own lives. Reading it is like undergoing a transformation, and it offers sustainable inspiration. Sean’s words resonate deeply, urging one to craft a life that is your masterpiece.” – Dr. Tara Swart, neuroscientist, Senior Lecturer at MIT Sloan and author of bestseller The Source


The Illusion of Time: A Call for Clarity

In the grand theater of life, time plays a constant yet elusive role. It moves forward, never pausing, never waiting. Each tick of the clock is a reminder of its fleeting nature. And yet, in the midst of this relentless march, there’s a paradox that many of us grapple with: the illusion of not having enough time.

But let’s reflect on this for a moment. Is it truly a lack of time? Or is it, perhaps, a lack of clarity on how to meaningfully invest this time?

Every individual, regardless of status, age, or geography, is granted the same 24-hour gift daily. A blank canvas, waiting to be painted with the hues of our thoughts, choices and actions. Yet, the masterpieces we create differ vastly. Some manage to encapsulate lifetimes within a year, achieving feats, forging deep connections, and living with intensity. In contrast, others, with the same hours at their disposal, find themselves ensnared in the cobwebs of inertia, letting precious moments slip through like sand in an hourglass.

The difference isn’t the availability of time; it’s the clarity of purpose. It’s understanding, with unwavering conviction, the value of each moment and the purpose it serves in the grand narrative of our existence.

Every second, we’re making a transaction. We’re trading a part of our finite life for an experience, a memory, a moment. The question then becomes: Are we making these trades consciously? Or are we letting them happen by default, guided by the whims of circumstance and fleeting desires?

It’s a sobering realization to accept that days, even years, can vanish into the abyss of indecision and lack of direction. The irony is, we hesitate to invest a few dedicated hours to reflecting, to truly discern what deserves our time. But, taking that time can alter the trajectory of our lives.

So, let this be your clarion call. A moment of awakening. A time to shake off the shackles of passive existence and reclaim the driver’s seat. Reflect, introspect, and find clarity. Understand what truly resonates with your soul, what ignites that fire within, and what deserves the precious currency of your time.

Let’s not be mere spectators in the theater of life, lamenting lost opportunities and fleeting moments. Instead, armed with clarity and direction, let’s become the playwrights, crafting our narrative, one conscious moment at a time. 

For in the end, time isn’t the villain; our lack of clarity is. 

Some ideas to help bring clarity:

Fast forward to the end of your life and you’re laying there in the casket at your own funeral. Write down what you want your dream eulogy to be and what your loved ones have to say about you in your perfect world. 

If I could only do 1 thing this week that would have the greatest positive impact on my life it would be? 

In 10 years what would you regret having not done sooner?


If this article resonated with you, then I hope you’ll checkout and order my new book, Masterpiece in Progress: A Daily Guide to a Life Well Crafted

Prepare to dive into a year-long journey of self-improvement and inspiration. With each passing day, you’ll uncover valuable insights and guidance to shape a life filled with purpose and achievement. 

You can order it on Amazon HERE 

Checkout what these masters of their craft are saying about my book: 

“Sean DeLaney crafts a master class in personal development. This book is about the art of AMPing up your life.”  – Frank Slootman, CEO, Snowflake and author of Amp It Up

“Operating in some of the world’s most challenging environments, I’ve seen firsthand the importance of grit, resilience, and relentless pursuit of excellence. Masterpiece in Progress embodies these principles, offering a roadmap to all who aim to conquer their personal and professional battles.”— Michael Burns, US Navy SEAL (Retired), Bronze Star Medal with Valor 

“Sean DeLaney’s Masterpiece in Progress is a playbook for life. Dive in, train hard, and see results.” – Monica Seles, former World No. 1 Tennis Player and Nine-Time Grand Slam Champion

“The brilliance of Masterpiece in Progress is its ability to impact us all and in all aspects of our lives, whether you’re an athlete, entrepreneur, author, aspiring executive, parent, friend, coach or mentor. Sean’s insights light your path as he delves deep, providing not just inspiration but tangible tools to help you craft the life you envision. A master class in self-growth and a must read.” – Scott O’Neil, CEO, Merlin Entertainments and former CEO of Philadelphia 76ers and New Jersey Devils 

“Sean’s beautiful, thoughtful writing reminds you what’s important and calls your attention to a perspective that lifts your spirit each day. Highly recommended.” – Derek Sivers, author, sive.rs

“In Masterpiece in Progress, Sean DeLaney invites us to become the architects of our own lives. Reading it is like undergoing a transformation, and it offers sustainable inspiration. Sean’s words resonate deeply, urging one to craft a life that is your masterpiece.” – Dr. Tara Swart, neuroscientist, Senior Lecturer at MIT Sloan and author of bestseller The Source


Unlocking Mastery: Your Ultimate Deep Dive into the Secrets of Mastery

If you’re craving a genuine expedition into the intricate layers of mastery, then look no further – this article is tailor-made for you. This will be your exclusive guide to the hidden strategies and insights that propel individuals to the pinnacle of their domains. It’s a backstage pass to the world of mastery, as we unearth hidden treasures that are often concealed. Get ready to uncover not just one or two, but a treasure trove of ten essential elements that define mastery, each laden with pivotal lessons that are too often left unsaid. It’s time to unveil the well-guarded secrets that separate the masters from the rest.

Why Mastery

Mastery. It’s more than a word; it’s been my compass, guiding every curious step I’ve taken since childhood. Since I can remember I’ve been insatiably hungry to decode the artistry behind the world’s paramount performers across vastly different domains. Sports, elite military operators, or artists, it didn’t matter. It was about decoding excellence and distilling timeless elements that transcend time and craft.

This relentless drive carried me through the world of lacrosse, propelling me to heights like becoming a Division 1 All American multiple times and clinching a revered spot in the top 10 of the Major League Lacrosse draft. Yet, the game was just chapter one.

Post-lacrosse, my lens for mastery broadened. The field became life itself. This decade-long adventure transformed me: from an athlete to a seeker, a perpetual learner, and, most importantly, a keen observer. I’ve coached and interviewed hundreds of entrepreneurs, athletes, executives, and many others on this pursuit—each journey uniquely illuminating, yet all intertwined by certain shared foundational building blocks of mastery. And those building blocks are what we’ll explore here.

But here’s the thing: this isn’t a manual with definite answers. It’s an exploration, a map sketched from years of immersion in the mastery landscape. In this article, I’ll share these illuminating patterns, diving into the behind the scenes of true expertise. There’s no one-size-fits-all, just tales and lessons from a lifelong quest. So, join me on this exploration of mastery—the nuanced, the challenging, the enchanting.

Part 1: The Heartbeat of Mastery

When we peel back the layers, at the core of every pursuit of mastery is a profound love. It’s that unexplainable tug, beckoning us towards what feels undeniably right. It goes by many names: obsession, passion, or what the ancient Greeks called your Daimon. Yet, whatever you call it, it embodies that unspoken drive, that force within that resonates with every fiber of your being. It’s that silent whisper, too deep for words, that guides your every step and decision.

Every master I’ve had the privilege to learn from has this inner fire. It’s not just about skill or dedication but a love so deep that it becomes their very essence. It’s what carries them through challenges, fuels their persistence, and energizes them during the toughest moments. It’s the beacon in the storm, the unyielding flame that powers the journey towards mastery. Without it, the road becomes insurmountably hard. With it, even the impossible feels within reach.

History is rich with tales of individuals who soared to the zenith of their domains, not just because of sheer talent or dogged persistence, but because they were passionately, profoundly in love with their craft. It’s this undying love that separates mere participants from true maestros.

When it comes to cinema, few names resonate as deeply as James Cameron. When we look beyond the accolades and the box-office numbers, we uncover a soul obsessed, not just with the mechanics of filmmaking, but with the very essence of storytelling and visual spectacle. This isn’t a mere job for him; it’s an all-consuming love affair. He’s known for his meticulous attention to detail, sometimes spending years in the research and development phase before even beginning actual production. His dives to the Mariana Trench weren’t just a personal adventure but an extension of his relentless pursuit to understand, experience, and then translate that feeling onto the screen. For him, cinema is not just a medium; it’s a universe waiting to be explored, understood, and shared.

For my early life that love was with lacrosse. Every pass, every goal, every practice session when no one was watching was a testament not just to skill or strategy, but to a deep-seated love. It was evident that for me, lacrosse wasn’t just a sport—it was a symphony, a dance, an expression of who I was at my core.

Masters of their craft are often engulfed in an unyielding love for their pursuit, a devotion so fervent that they occasionally require external intervention to hit the pause button or step away. Their passion burns so intensely that it becomes a challenge to detach, beckoning them to continually delve into their craft’s depths. This unrelenting dedication fuels their progress, but it’s this very obsession that can blur the lines between work and life, requiring the gentle nudge of others to remind them of the importance of balance and taking breaks.

Masters are so drawn to their craft that they inevitably fall victim to the double negative, “I can’t not do this.”

Part 2: Driven by Depths and Dreams: The Motivational Engines of Mastery

At the core of every driven individual, once that deep love is recognized, lies an unyielding motivation. It’s as if they have a secret engine powering their every move. Generally, I’ve observed this engine to be fueled by one of two potent sources: profound pain or a magnetic vision.

For some, it’s a past marred by overwhelming challenges, perhaps a background they desperately sought to rise above or escape. Their challenging background isn’t just a shadow they wish to outpace but the very spark that ignites their indomitable will to soar. From this pain emerges an insatiable desire to reshape destiny, turning adversities into a potent force that propels them forward.  

On the other hand, some are drawn forward by a vision so alluring that it’s as if their very soul resonates with it. Their vision is so compelling, so magnetic, that it creates an internal momentum that’s awe-inspiring. They’re not just moving—they’re being pulled towards a future they deeply desire, one where their dreams breathe life.

Profound Pain: David Goggins

David Goggins, often referred to as the “toughest man alive,” is the embodiment of transformation fueled by immense pain. His early life was fraught with adversity: from growing up in an abusive household to facing prejudice and struggling with self-worth. But Goggins didn’t let these traumas define him. Instead, he turned his pain into a relentless pursuit of self-improvement. This man, once weighing almost 300 pounds and battling a slew of fears, would go on to become a Navy SEAL, ultramarathon runner, and world record holder. His story demonstrates how profound pain can be transmuted into an unparalleled drive, pushing oneself to conquer unthinkable challenges and redefine personal limits.

Magnetic Vision: Arnold Schwarzenegger

From a young boy in Austria dreaming of grandeur to becoming a global icon, Arnold Schwarzenegger’s journey is a testament to the power of a compelling vision. Arnold was gripped by a dream that extended far beyond the Austrian borders: to become the greatest bodybuilder and subsequently conquer Hollywood. With an almost preternatural focus, he visualized not just winning bodybuilding championships, but also becoming a leading man in major films. This was no small vision for a young man from a small Austrian town. Yet, the magnetic pull of his dream was so potent that it propelled him across oceans, through countless gym sessions, and onto the biggest cinematic stages. Arnold’s journey underscores the might of a magnetic vision, illustrating how an unwavering dream, combined with relentless effort, can manifest into reality.

Both Goggins and Schwarzenegger, with their unique journeys, underscore the transformative power of motivation, be it born from pain or vision.

Part 3: The Architecture of Mastery: Crafting a World for Excellence

In the complex mosaic of life, true masters recognize that each tiny piece plays a part in the grand scheme of their journey. It’s not just about the hours they invest in honing their craft, but about the world they build around themselves. Their every waking moment, every decision, from the food they eat to the books they read, and the company they keep, is designed to propel them forward. They’re not just living; they’re crafting a life in alignment with their ultimate vision.

I’ve observed time and again in my interactions with individuals at the pinnacle of their domains: true mastery isn’t an act; it’s a lifestyle.

It’s about recognizing that every choice, no matter how small or seemingly inconsequential, plays a role in the bigger picture. And it’s about designing your life, brick by brick, in a way that each piece contributes to your ultimate pursuit. Because when you’re on the path to mastery, every detail matters.

Take Tom Brady, for example. Many see the Super Bowl rings, the pinpoint passes, and the game-winning drives, but what most don’t see is the world he’s built off the field. Every meal, every workout, every moment of rest is precisely calibrated towards one goal: being the best quarterback he can possibly be. His house is not just a home; it’s a sanctuary of discipline, focus, and continuous improvement. Every piece of his environment, whether it’s his sleep regimen or his meticulous approach to nutrition, isn’t just about personal well-being. It’s about optimizing for greatness.

The pursuit of mastery can be a double-edged sword, often leaving those dedicated individuals straddling a fine line between accomplishment and isolation. While the trophies and accolades shine brightly, the unyielding commitment behind the scenes often leads to solitude. The pursuit of mastery often requires prioritizing yourself above others – from routines to relationships, every element serves the pursuit of excellence. This journey while remarkable is a reminder of the sacrifices that can come with unrelenting dedication to one’s craft.

Part 4: Beyond Practice: The Four Cornerstones of Continuous Growth

In the world of mastery, I’ve discerned a clear path to their daily practice that sets the masters apart. 

To start, there’s an unwavering intentionality to their actions. Every day isn’t just another day; it’s a mission. They’re not aimlessly wandering, but meticulously carving out their path. With laser precision, they set forth daily, knowing precisely what they’re aiming for and how they intend to get there.

Yet, in a fascinating twist, while their vision remains steadfast, they give themselves the liberty to slow things down. It’s akin to pausing and zooming in on the most intricate details of their craft. This deliberate pace is not a sign of hesitation but a deep dive into the core of their craft. Once the essence is captured, however, the pace radically shifts. They thrust themselves into what feels like the final battle, practicing with the ferocity and intensity of a world championship. They give it their all, not occasionally, but every single time.

Next comes the crucible of decision-making. But it’s not just about choices; it’s about making these choices while the clock’s ticking and the world’s watching. They don’t shy away from pressure; they lean into it. By consistently placing themselves in these high-stakes situations, they transform what would paralyze most into their daily rhythm. It’s not about courting danger but building resilience and courage. As tennis great Billie Jean King often said, “Pressure is a privilege.” and masters embrace this privilege.

And then, the fourth pillar – introspection. Post practice, they’re not done. They always build time in for reflection, analyzing every move, every decision, every outcome. This isn’t about self-critique but evolution. They are on a relentless quest to uncover how to enhance, refine, and innovate their approach. Their commitment isn’t just to the craft, but to the endless journey of self-improvement within that craft. To them, mastery isn’t a destination but a perpetual cycle of practice, pressure, and profound self-analysis.

To an outsider, this may seem extreme or even obsessive. But for these individuals, it all feels like play. It ignites a fire that burns deep into their core. This maniacal approach to their craft is something they live for. Through a blend of laser-focused intention, precision in practice, and embracing challenges, they transcend the average and chart a course towards unparalleled excellence.

Let’s now explore what this looks like on the world stage.

Lionel Messi: Four Pillars of Soccer Mastery

In the realm of fútbol, Lionel Messi stands as a paragon of excellence. His ascent to legendary status can be attributed to the rigorous application of the four foundational principles of mastery:

Intentional practice: Messi doesn’t just go through the motions when he practices; he arrives with a resolute intentionality, crystal-clear about what he aims to achieve, ensuring every moment counts. From a young age at La Masia, Barcelona’s famed youth academy, each training session had a purpose. Whether he was finessing his signature dribbling, honing his free kicks, or mastering the art of finishing, there was a deliberate focus on refining specific aspects of his game. Masters like Messi know precisely what they’re doing each day, why they’re doing it and then take action to bring that intentionality to reality.

Slow down to speed up: Messi’s style epitomizes the perfect blend of precision and intensity. He breaks down his movements, understanding the intricacies of each touch, turn, and shot. But once he understands the complexities of the moves, he unleashes them full throttle. It’s this combination of deep introspective practice followed by reps at game speed execution that allows him to perform when the world is watching.

High-pressure repetition: Messi isn’t just seasoned in real-world high-stakes situations—playing for top-tier clubs and national teams—he also mentally amplifies these pressures. By visualizing himself in championship scenarios, he subjects himself to the intensity of these moments, making his body and mind acutely familiar with such pressures. This self-imposed psychological training means when the big moments arrive, he’s already lived them countless times in his mind.

Continuous analysis for improvement: Just as the legends do, Messi engages in a methodical process of deconstruction and reconstruction. He delves into his past games, not merely to bask in the glory of his remarkable moments, but to dissect the intricacies of plays, pinpoint errors, and craft strategies for upcoming encounters. This unwavering commitment to self-evaluation guarantees a continuous evolution, enabling him to outpace his adversaries and maintain a constant stream of peak performances.

By embodying these pillars, Lionel Messi has not only etched his name as one of the greatest footballers in history but has also redefined the very essence of the sport.

Part 5: The Golden Ticket to Mastery: Embracing Your Uniqueness

Dive deep into the stories of the truly extraordinary, and you’ll unearth a truth: they didn’t just follow a path, they blazed it with a ferocity that’s unmistakably their own. It’s not just about knowing your craft, it’s about flipping it, spinning it, and setting it ablaze with your own brand of genius. 

You see, the world loves boxes. It’s comfortable in its conventions, cozy in its cliches. But let me let you in on a secret: true greatness doesn’t come from conformity—it’s birthed in boldness

The world, in its never-ending quest for categorization, often nudges us towards the ‘standard’ or the ‘conventional’. It hands us a script and expects us to play our parts. Every time you feel the pressure to fit into a predefined mold, remember that molds are meant for mass production, not masterpieces. Your quirks, eccentricities, and idiosyncrasies aren’t just footnotes in your story; they are the main plot. Every oddity, every peculiarity you possess? That’s your differentiator. Those aren’t imperfections; they’re brushstrokes on your canvas.

Your Own Style 

When you explore any of your passions, often what sets you apart isn’t your adherence to the norm, but your own personal brand of “funk.” For me, in the realm of lacrosse, that funk was an intensity — a certain physicality that I embraced wholeheartedly. Even playing offense, where grace might often overshadow grit, I leaned into punishing my opponents. It wasn’t the traditional style, but it was undeniably me.

Speed was never my forte, but instead of seeing it as a setback, I saw it as an invitation to think ahead. Predicting, calculating, anticipating every movement on that field became second nature. I trained my mind to read the play, to know where the ball would be before it even began its journey. Embracing my “uniqueness,” I managed to convert what many saw as a liability into my defining strength. This was more than just skill enhancement; it was a deep dive into self-awareness. Recognizing and maximizing my unique strengths allowed me to stand out.  It was about understanding, embracing, and leveraging what made me, me. And in doing so, I not only sharpened my strengths but unleashed them.

Business Titans and Coaching Giants: The Power of Authenticity

Consider the towering figures of business, the likes of Jeff Bezos, Bob Iger, and Henry Ford. While all forged the path of mastery in the realm of business, what sets them apart is their audacious embrace of individuality. Instead of conforming to a prescribed formula, they boldly pursued their craft with their distinctive flair, amplifying their distinctive approach into their greatest asset. Bezos’ relentless customer-centricity, Iger’s unyielding creative intuition, and Ford’s pioneering spirit—each a testament to the power of embracing one’s own path, turning divergence into their driving force.

These luminaries didn’t blend in; they stood out as living proof that true mastery thrives when we dare to be unapologetically ourselves amidst the crowd.

Shift your gaze to the sidelines of the most electric sports arenas, and you’ll find a similar tale of authentic mastery. Steve Kerr, with his collaborative spirit and modern tactics; Bill Belichick, the strategic maestro with an unwavering focus on discipline; and Phil Jackson, the “Zen Master,” fusing spiritual philosophies with on-court genius.

Their playbooks might differ, but there’s a shared playbook all great coaches rely on: being unapologetically true to oneself.

In both worlds the lesson is crystal clear- It isn’t just about mastering the rules or understanding the game—it’s about redefining it on your own terms. The greatness of these icons isn’t found in their similarities, but in the brave, bold, and distinct paths they’ve each carved. Their true strength lies in amplifying their own authentic voice in a world echoing with sameness.

It’s in our distinctive qualities, our peculiar approaches, and our personal flair that we often find our most profound strengths. Don’t shy away from the unconventional. That’s where brilliance often emerges. Embrace the unconventional. It’s often where greatness hides.

Part 6: The Shared Dance of Mastery

Mastery, in its truest essence, is not a solitary endeavor. The path is paved by a community of minds, each contributing to one’s growth in a unique way. Mentors and coaches play an instrumental role in our formative stages, guiding us, shaping our perspectives, and offering wisdom cultivated from their experiences. They provide the initial scaffolding upon which we build our foundations, giving us the tools and insights we need to commence our journeys.

However, an essential aspect of the journey to greatness is that it’s iterative and expansive. Those who aspire to reach the pinnacle of their craft often find themselves on an unending ladder of ascension, where with each rung climbed, new horizons of understanding and capability unfold.

As these individuals ascend, a natural phenomenon occurs: they often surpass the abilities and insights of their mentors. This isn’t a sign of the mentor’s inadequacy, but rather a testament to the student’s relentless drive and the effectiveness of the mentorship they received. This progression beyond one’s teachers is not just normal but necessary for those on a trajectory toward mastery. It signifies the student’s evolution from mere knowledge absorption to innovative thought and application. Moreover, this transcendence is not an endpoint but a pivotal juncture in the continuum of mastery.

It’s imperative for the pursuer to consistently seek out individuals who can elevate them to the next echelon. What served as the foundation of their journey might not suffice to propel them further. To ensure an unceasing evolution, one must surround themselves with those who possess the ability to illuminate the corners of their path that remain shrouded in darkness. Herein lies the essence of progress: forging connections with those who can guide, challenge, and inspire them beyond their current boundaries.

As this metamorphosis unfolds, it’s crucial to acknowledge that surpassing a mentor doesn’t negate their importance or diminish their contributions. On the contrary, it reinforces their invaluable role in laying the groundwork for such leaps of excellence. And as they blaze their trails, they too, in time, become mentors to the next generation, perpetuating a cycle where knowledge is not just inherited but expanded, refined, and redefined. The beauty of this journey is that it’s a relay of brilliance, with each generation pushing the boundaries of what’s conceivable and achievable.

Part 7: Inner Echoes: The Role of Internal Dialogue in Mastery

True mastery, in all its glory, is as much an external conquest of skills as it is an inner journey of the self. This journey is seldom a straight path. It’s riddled with valleys of doubt, mountains of challenge, and often vast plains where progress seems agonizingly stagnant. In these plains, many give up, seduced by the siren call of complacency or discouraged by the weight of their own expectations. 

But masters? They tread differently. Within these moments, they cultivate an understanding, an insight, that while the external world might not be offering validation, internally, a transformation is underway. Their self-belief is not blind but anchored in the experience of overcoming, of surviving the storms and knowing that they emerged not despite the challenges but because of them.

Every master’s journey is fueled by a deep-rooted belief, a fierce, unyielding confidence. But here’s the thing: it isn’t just handed to them on a silver platter. It’s forged. Sculpted through countless hours of battling doubts, defying naysayers, and emerging victorious. It’s about breaking the barriers of ‘not today’, ‘you won’t make it’, and ‘try later’. This confidence isn’t just any confidence; it’s battled for, it’s the prize for enduring the storm.

Mastery is as much about skill as it is about mindset. Every champion, every leader, every master in their field has one powerful weapon: a strong internal dialogue. Think of it this way: inside the minds of the best, there’s an ongoing pep talk, a continuous rally cry that keeps them going, even when the odds are stacked against them.

Sure, they face doubts just like everyone else. Those moments of “Am I good enough?” or “Is this beyond me?” aren’t strangers to them. But here’s their superpower: they don’t dwell in that space of negativity. Instead, they swiftly pivot, turning those doubts into fuel, challenging those thoughts, and propelling themselves forward.

You see, the champions know a vital secret: the most influential voice you’ll ever hear is the one inside your head. It’s with you all day, every day, shaping how you see the world and your place in it. That conversation you have with yourself? It’s the game-changer. It’s the difference between giving up and pushing on, between doubt and determination.

Take Beyoncé, even someone with her level of stardom isn’t untouched by the jitters and nerves. So, what did she do? Crafted an alter ego, Sasha Fierce. It wasn’t just a catchy stage name. It was her shield, her method to separate from fear and step into this unstoppable, fierce version of herself. She once said about Sasha Fierce, “I have someone else that takes over when it’s time for me to work and when I’m on stage.” But the coolest part? Over time, she felt no need for that distinction. Sasha and Beyoncé merged. She had embraced that fearless energy as her own. It’s a reminder: the stories we tell ourselves, that internal pep talk? It’s a game-changer. It’s where real transformation happens. 

Yet, it’s essential to understand that this isn’t just about blind positivity. It’s about constructive self-talk. It’s about challenging yourself, questioning your limits, and then resetting them. It’s about speaking to yourself as your most loyal supporter and your most astute coach would. After all, it’s that voice within – that persistent whisper or sometimes a fierce shout – that will echo when external voices fade. Harness it, mold it, and let it propel you into realms of greatness previously thought unreachable. 

So, if you’re looking to unlock your full potential, remember this: mastering your mind, your thoughts, your inner voice, is the first and most critical step. Embrace it, nurture it, and let it be your most powerful ally. Because once you do, there’s no limit to what you can achieve.

Part 8: The Secret Language of Mastery

When you delve deeply into any craft, you’re not just learning the obvious; you’re diving into an ocean of nuance and subtlety. Those who journey towards mastery in their chosen field begin to grasp concepts on an entirely different level. Words like ‘focus’ might seem elementary to the casual observer, but to a master, they take on a depth and resonance that’s hard to convey. They become more than just words; they’re experiences, emotions, and layers of understanding forged through time, effort, and insight. It’s a secret language, one that’s earned through the baptism of relentless dedication.

But with this profound understanding comes a sort of isolation. When you operate on such a heightened plane of knowledge, it’s challenging to find others who truly get it, who’ve felt the weight and beauty of those ‘simple’ words as you have. It’s an elite club, not by design, but by the sheer intensity and passion required to enter. The journey to the pinnacle might be a solitary one, but it’s also where the most breathtaking views are found.

The Hidden Layers of Mastery

Think of a great musician, say, ” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>Yo-Yo Ma. To the untrained ear, the beauty of his cello music lies in the harmony, rhythm, and emotion it evokes. But for those well-versed in classical music, it’s so much more. They hear the subtle variations in his bowing technique, the complex phrasing, and the nuances in tempo that make his rendition unique. It’s akin to finding hidden constellations in a starry night, ones only visible to those who’ve studied the skies their entire lives. For Yo-Yo Ma, terms like ‘intonation’ or ‘vibrato’ aren’t just technical terms. They’re entire worlds of sound, filled with choices and nuances that color his music in distinctive shades.

Take another example, this time from the world of cuisine. Consider a master chef like Daniel Boulud. While we relish the final dish set before us, appreciating its taste and presentation, Boulud experiences food on a different dimension. The ‘texture’ of a dish isn’t just about its feel, but about the balance and contrast between ingredients. The ‘flavor’ isn’t just about taste but a dance of spices, techniques, and timing. To him, cooking is not just about following a recipe but understanding the deep interplay of ingredients, temperature, and time.

This depth, this nuanced understanding, is both a blessing and a burden. It elevates the craft to art but also creates a chasm between the master and the casual observer. The deeper one goes, the harder it becomes to explain the intricacies and the emotions associated with them. 

Artists, athletes, scientists, and masters from all fields often speak of the solitude of their journey. They may be surrounded by people, but very few can see the world through their unique lens. However, it is this perspective, borne out of relentless dedication and passion, that gives them an unparalleled vantage point – a view from the pinnacle that’s worth every bit of the solitude.

Part 9: Skill Surges: Navigating Intentional Gains and Sudden Breakthroughs

Even though it may seem this way, the path to greatness isn’t always a dazzling upward shot. Sometimes, it feels like you’re on a treadmill, running hard but going nowhere. But in those seemingly stagnant phases, a powerful transformation is happening beneath the surface. You’re not merely waiting; you’re preparing, gathering momentum for the leap ahead.

Mastery is an intricate dance controlled growth and unseen advancements. Amidst this journey, one encounters leaps of skill and ability. Some are controlled, methodical advances, the result of rigorous practice and consistent effort. Others, however, are unforeseen, spontaneous surges, rising unexpectedly seemingly out of nowhere. These can’t be planned and you never know when they’ll occur.

Controlled leaps are the result of intent. It’s when an individual sets specific goals, follows a plan, and consistently dedicates time and energy to refine their craft. It’s the musician who practices scales for hours, the writer who pens pages daily, or the athlete who commits to rigorous training routines. These deliberate strides towards mastery are often visible, measurable, and can be planned for. They exemplify the saying, “Hard work pays off.”

On the other hand, uncontrolled leaps are magical in their unpredictability. They emerge from a fortuitous alignment of circumstances, a sudden flash of insight, or a serendipitous encounter that reshapes one’s perspective. Imagine a singer discovering a unique pitch while humming absentmindedly, or an artist stumbling upon a new technique while playing with colors. In an instant you unlock a mental step function improvement. These leaps are the universe’s pleasant surprises, reminding us that while we may chart our course, there’s always room for the unexpected.

Both kinds of leaps are vital in the pursuit of mastery. The controlled leaps lay the groundwork, creating a strong foundation upon which uncontrolled leaps can take flight. And while it’s essential to be disciplined, it’s equally crucial to remain open to the universe’s serendipitous gifts.

Remember to be diligent but also to embrace spontaneity. Allow space for the unexpected, for often, it is in the uncharted territories that we find our most profound breakthroughs. Both controlled and uncontrolled leaps are chapters in the epic tale of mastery, where dedication meets destiny in perfect harmony.

Part 10: The Unending Climb: The Perpetual Quest for Mastery

Mastery is an enigma. Just when you think you’ve grasped its essence, it morphs, evolves, and beckons you to chase it further. The very nature of mastery means you never truly ‘arrive’. Even when the world showers you with accolades and recognizes your genius, inside, there’s this quiet voice that whispers, “There’s more to explore.”

Mastery is fluid, an ever-shifting horizon that draws the dedicated ever onward. It’s akin to chasing the sunset; every time you feel close, it moves a little further away, casting new colors and challenges in your path. This ceaseless pursuit is what differentiates the good from the great. While some might bask in the glow of past achievements, true masters recognize that their journey is unending. They understand that with each accomplishment, there arises a new level of complexity, a deeper layer of understanding to delve into.

This unquenchable thirst for more, for betterment, is what keeps the masters perpetually curious. They view their accolades not as the climax of their journey but as milestones that mark their ever-evolving relationship with their craft. To them, every recognition is not an end but a reminder that there are still mysteries to unravel and heights to scale. It’s this insatiable hunger, this refusal to rest on laurels, that propels them into uncharted territories, ensuring their legacy is one of relentless pursuit and undying passion.

Consider ” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>Akira Kurosawa, a legend in the world of filmmaking, a name that resonates profoundly within international cinema. Born in Tokyo in 1910, he embarked on a cinematic journey that spanned over five decades, crafting films that transcended cultural boundaries and spoke to universal human experiences. His innovative techniques and unparalleled vision profoundly influenced filmmakers worldwide, including iconic Hollywood directors like George Lucas and Steven Spielberg.

In 1990 Kurosawa won an honorary Oscar for accomplishments that have inspired, delighted, enriched and entertained audiences and influenced filmmakers throughout the world. Despite the vast accolades and global reverence, while accepting the award Kurosawa’s said, “I am very deeply honored to receive such a wonderful prize but I have to ask whether I really deserve it… because I don’t feel that I understand cinema yet. I really don’t feel that I have grasped the essence of cinema… But I promise you that from now on I will work as hard as I can at making movies and maybe by following this path I will achieve an understanding of the true essence of cinema and earn this award.” That’s not humility for the sake of it. That’s a genuine reflection of how deep the waters of mastery run.

In every field, the true masters, whether they are filmmakers, musicians, athletes, or philosophers, share this common thread. While the world might see their accomplishments as the pinnacle, to them, it’s just another step in a journey with no final destination. It’s this insatiable hunger, this perennial striving, that sets them apart and propels them into realms of excellence few can fathom.

Wrapping Up

Naturally, the expedition towards mastery encompasses an array of elaborate elements and dimensions. I’m not asserting that this encapsulates the entirety of the puzzle, but rather, everything I’ve illuminated here derives from the meticulous pursuit and study of mastery. These themes have emerged as recurrent threads woven through the narratives of those who have mastered their crafts. While this isn’t an exhaustive map, it’s a compass gleaned from the stories of the virtuosos I’ve immersed myself in.

The journey towards mastery is complex and, admittedly, not a path everyone chooses to tread. Yet, its core teachings can be transformative when woven into our daily lives. You don’t need to chase mastery in its entirety; by incorporating its foundational lessons, you can unearth and amplify untapped potential within yourself. It’s less about reaching the peak and more about understanding and adopting the mindset that fuels the climb.

You now have the key to unlock your door towards mastery. Will you walk through it?

If this article resonated with you, then I hope you’ll checkout and preorder my upcoming book, Masterpiece in Progress: A Daily Guide to a Life Well Crafted

Prepare to dive into a year-long journey of self-improvement and inspiration. With each passing day, you’ll uncover valuable insights and guidance to shape a life filled with purpose and achievement.

You can preorder it on Amazon HERE

Checkout what these masters of their craft are saying about my book: 

“Sean DeLaney crafts a master class in personal development. This book is about the art of AMPing up your life.”  – Frank Slootman, CEO, Snowflake and author of Amp It Up

“Operating in some of the world’s most challenging environments, I’ve seen firsthand the importance of grit, resilience, and relentless pursuit of excellence. Masterpiece in Progress embodies these principles, offering a roadmap to all who aim to conquer their personal and professional battles.”— Michael Burns, US Navy SEAL (Retired), Bronze Star Medal with Valor

“Sean DeLaney’s Masterpiece in Progress is a playbook for life. Dive in, train hard, and see results.” – Monica Seles, former World No. 1 Tennis Player and Nine-Time Grand Slam Champion

“The brilliance of Masterpiece in Progress is its ability to impact us all and in all aspects of our lives, whether you’re an athlete, entrepreneur, author, aspiring executive, parent, friend, coach or mentor. Sean’s insights light your path as he delves deep, providing not just inspiration but tangible tools to help you craft the life you envision. A master class in self-growth and a must read.” – Scott O’Neil, CEO, Merlin Entertainments and former CEO of Philadelphia 76ers and New Jersey Devils

“Sean’s beautiful, thoughtful writing reminds you what’s important and calls your attention to a perspective that lifts your spirit each day. Highly recommended.” – Derek Sivers, author, sive.rs

“In Masterpiece in Progress, Sean DeLaney invites us to become the architects of our own lives. Reading it is like undergoing a transformation, and it offers sustainable inspiration. Sean’s words resonate deeply, urging one to craft a life that is your masterpiece.” – Dr. Tara Swart, neuroscientist, Senior Lecturer at MIT Sloan and author of bestseller The Source


Life’s Compass: 6 Timeless Sayings to Guide Your Journey

Life’s journey is a tapestry woven with highs and lows, presenting challenges and moments of joy. Throughout my own path I’ve come across diverse sayings and philosophies that have offered profound inspiration and wisdom. In this article, we will explore six transformational sayings that can guide your life, helping you find meaning, strength, and purpose. From the stoic principle of Amor Fati to the Zulu greeting Sawubona, the Latin motto Excelsior, the perseverance of Fortitudine Vincimus, the ancient Greek virtue Arête and Dulcius Ex Asperis, each saying holds a unique message that molds our perspective and enriches our existence.

Amor Fati: Love Your Fate

At the heart of Stoicism lies the profound principle of Amor Fati, which translates to “love your fate.” This saying encourages us to embrace our circumstances, whether favorable or challenging, and accept them with love and gratitude. Instead of resisting what we cannot change, Amor Fati teaches us to focus on our response to life’s events, recognizing that we have the power to shape our attitudes and perceptions.

Amor Fati challenges us to see life as a gift, appreciating both the joys and the sorrows as necessary components of our journey. By adopting this mindset, we free ourselves from the shackles of resentment and discontent, finding contentment in the present moment.

Sawubona: I See You

Hailing from the Zulu tribe of South Africa, Sawubona is more than just a greeting; it is a powerful acknowledgment of the other person’s humanity. When someone says Sawubona, they are essentially saying, “I see you.” It is an invitation to connect on a soulful level, acknowledging the inherent dignity and worth of each individual. In this simple greeting lies the power to bridge divides and foster genuine understanding and empathy. Sawubona encourages us to see beyond external appearances and to recognize the shared humanity that binds us all together. By embracing the spirit of Sawubona, we create a world where compassion and acceptance prevail, enriching our relationships and nurturing a sense of belonging within our communities.

In the spirit of Ubuntu, which means “I am because we are,” Sawubona teaches us the interconnectedness of all beings. Sawubona is a gentle call to acknowledge the worth and dignity of every person we encounter, regardless of their background or circumstances. By embracing this powerful greeting, we can break down barriers, dissolve prejudices, and build a world that celebrates the beauty of our shared humanity. Sawubona serves as a reminder that in seeing others, we also see ourselves more clearly, fostering a deep sense of empathy, compassion, and unity that can transform our lives and the lives of those around us.

Excelsior: Ever Upward

In the Latin word “Excelsior,” we find a call for continual growth and progress. It urges us to aim higher, reach for the stars, and aspire for continual improvement in all aspects of life. As we set our sights on loftier goals, we challenge ourselves to expand beyond our comfort zones, unlocking our true potential.

It reminds us that life is a continuous journey of growth, and our potential for greatness knows no bounds. When we embrace the spirit of Excelsior, we shed our fear of failure and embrace the inherent beauty in the process of growth. This powerful saying teaches us that life’s setbacks are not obstacles but stepping stones on our path to self-realization. It propels us forward, encouraging us to persevere in the face of challenges and view life’s obstacles as opportunities for learning and self-improvement. Excelsior serves as a reminder that life’s journey is a constant upward trajectory, and every milestone reached becomes a launchpad for even greater achievements.

Fortitudine Vincimus: By Endurance, We Conquer

The motto “Fortitudine Vincimus” embodies the spirit of resilience and steadfastness. It reminds us that strength does not lie solely in physical prowess but also in the fortitude to endure life’s trials with grace and courage. Difficulties may arise, but with determination, we can overcome them.

In a world that demands quick fixes and instant gratification, Fortitudine Vincimus reminds us of the beauty and strength that lie in perseverance. It teaches us to be patient and steadfast in our pursuit of goals, understanding that lasting success is often achieved through determination and endurance. By understanding that challenges are opportunities for growth, we build resilience in the face of adversity. Fortitudine Vincimus inspires us to persevere, teaching us that with patience and resolve, we can conquer the seemingly insurmountable.

Arête: Striving for Excellence

That saying that has had the most profound impact on my life is the ancient Greek philosophy, Arête which represents the pursuit of excellence and virtue in all aspects of life. It emphasizes the cultivation of one’s character, wisdom, and moral integrity. Rather than focusing on external accolades or material gains, Arête encourages us to seek personal development and quality in all aspects of our lives.

By aligning our actions with our values and striving to be the best version of ourselves, we can lead a purpose-driven life. Arête inspires us to see challenges as opportunities for self-improvement and to view success as the realization of our highest potential, both intellectually and morally. It teaches us that excellence is not a destination but a way of being, a continuous pursuit of becoming the best version of ourselves.

Dulcius Ex Asperis: Finding Sweetness in Adversity

Dulcius Ex Asperis, or “sweeter out of difficulties,” urges us to embrace life’s adversities as transformative opportunities. Just as gold is refined through fire, we find our true essence through navigating challenges. Embracing Dulcius Ex Asperis means recognizing that adversity is not to be avoided, but rather to be embraced as an integral part of the human experience.

When we accept and learn from difficulties, we grow in resilience and gratitude. This saying reminds us that sweetness and wisdom emerge from the depths of our struggles. By reframing our perspective, we recognize that even in the face of bitter experiences, life has a way of offering profound sweetness.


The six impactful sayings, Amor Fati, Sawubona, Excelsior, Fortitudine Vincimus, Arête, and Dulcius Ex Asperis, encompass timeless wisdom that can enrich and guide our lives. Amor Fati teaches us to love and embrace our fate, finding purpose in every moment. Sawubona reminds us of the power of empathy and the interconnectedness of all beings. Excelsior urges us to strive for continual growth and self-improvement.

Fortitudine Vincimus instills in us the strength to endure and conquer life’s challenges, while Arête encourages us to pursue excellence and virtue in all aspects of life. Finally, Dulcius Ex Asperis teaches us to find sweetness in adversity, transforming our struggles into opportunities for growth and self-discovery.

Let these sayings be your guiding stars as you embark on your journey of self-discovery, self-mastery, and purposeful living. Embrace each moment with an open heart, see the beauty in every experience, and endeavor to be the best version of yourself. In doing so, you will unlock the transformative power of these sayings and lead a life of profound meaning and impact.

Dream…Be You… Live Beautifully…Enjoy… Love.




There are plenty of maxims in the world; all that remains is to apply them.— Blaise Pascal

Every man I meet is my master at some point, and in that I learn of him. — Ralph Waldo Emerson

He who conquers his mind conquers the world.

“Full effort is full victory.” – Gandhi

It’s impossible to invest your soul in a compromise

Forward is not just a direction. It’s a mindset.

The world is magic, it’s up to you to find it.

There are great limits… and we do not know where they are until we get there.

If you don’t have problems then you’re not living.

Do. Or do not. There is no try. – Yoda

“Not till we are lost…do we begin to find ourselves.”- Henry David Thoreau

Forgiveness is accepting the apology you will never get.

‘The longest road you will ever walk is the sacred journey from your head to your heart.’

Use me, God. Show me how to take who I am, who I want to be, and what I can do, and use me for a purpose greater than myself.

Amor Fait- Love of one’s fate.

Assumption is the mother of all fuckups.

Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.

Speak your truth – even when your voice shakes.

Pain + Reflection = Progress – Ray Dalio

True gold does not fear the test of fire.

There is no pillow as soft as a clear conscience.

To live with all my might… while I live.

Never to do anything which I would be afraid to do if it were the last hour of my life.

“If you can meet triumph and disaster, and treat those two impostors just the same . . . yours is the earth and everything that’s in it.”- Rudyard Kipling

“Enthusiastically build an extraordinary reality day after day.”- Brunello Cucinelli 

A person can read a thousand books, or just open up their heart and find the root of all wisdom.

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” – Maya Angelou

“What wisdom can you find that is greater than kindness?”- Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Genius merely articulates what your heart already knows.

“In one bold stroke you can transform today.” Marilyn Grey

You have all the seeds in you, what matters is which ones you water.

“To endure is the disposition of the sage.”- Yi Jing

“What is essential is invisible to the eye.” -Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

“If you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”- Albert Einstein

Let the earth feel your gravity.

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. – Chinese proverb

“I will not last forever. But I am damn well going to know I have been here.” ~ George A. Sheehan

“People don’t want to buy a quarter-inch drill. They want a quarter-inch hole.”― Clayton M. Christensen

It is better to live your own destiny imperfectly than to live an imitation of somebody else’s life with perfection. —Bhagavad Gita 3.35

Better to measure ten times and cut once then measure once and cut ten times.

“We can only be what we give ourselves the power to be.” Cherokee saying

“Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life.”

“Do just once what others say you can’t do, and you will never pay attention to their limitations again.”

“The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today.” Franklin D. Roosevelt

“Few of us write great novels; all of us live. “Few of us write great novels; all of us live them.” — Mignon McLaughlin

“The only courage that matters is the kind that gets you from one moment to the next.”― Mignon McLaughlin

“No one can build you the bridge on which you, and only you, must cross the river of life,” -Nietzsche

One must go through discipline to get to freedom.

Non nisi ab obscura sidera nocte micant, “Stars do not shine except in the dark night“.

“If the path be beautiful, let us not ask where it leads.” -Anatole France

“Only from the heart can you touch the sky.”— Rumi

“The world breaks everyone, but many are stronger at the broken places.” – Ernest Hemingway

Knowledge is only rumor until it lives in the bones.– Asaro Tribe

If your intention is pure you can walk on the sea. – Swahili saying

Karma never loses an address and it’s got yours.

“Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go.” – T.S. Eliot

“The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure that you seek.”- Joseph Capmbell

“When I argue with reality, I lose—but only 100% of the time.”- Byron Katie

Latin Vires acquirit eundo: We gather strength as we go

“If I have lost confidence in myself, I have the universe against me.”-Ralph Waldo Emerson

“It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare; it is because we do not dare that things are difficult.”-Seneca

“People do not decide their futures, they decide their habits and their habits decide their futures.”- F.M. Alexander

“What a caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly.”-Richard Bach

The extent of the struggle determines the extent of the growth.

Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional…

“We suffer more in imagination than in reality.” -Seneca

Mastery lives quietly atop a mountain of mistakes.

Lord, I ask not for a lighter load but for stronger shoulders.-St. Augustine

Ecstasy is attention at it’s fullest.

Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That is why it is called the present.

Someone is going to accomplish your dreams, why not make it you?

Leap and the net will appear.

“Well done is better than well said.”- Benjamin Franklin

Stress + Rest = Growth

Lost time is never found again.

Turn your ear to the saying of the wise.

“Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.”- W.H. Murray

Commit to being breathtakingly exceptional at everything you do and that’s what you’ll become.

“ Hesitation is the best cure for anger.” – Seneca

“Today is the first day of the rest of your life.” — American Proverb

Memento Mori – Remember that you will die.

Mens sana in corpore sano-  A sound mind in a sound body.

“Let the sky and God be our limit and eternity our measurement.” – Marcus Garvey

“To dare is to lose one’s footing momentarily; to not dare is to lose one’s self entirely.” Søren Kierkegaard

Everything in moderation.

“Failure comes from a failure to imagine failure” – Josh Wolfe

Be yourself, everybody else is already taken.

Certainty brings ruin.

If you’re going through hell, walk through it like you own the place.

“Entitled to nothing, grateful for everything.” – Jack Clark

“If pain is bigger than purpose then pain wins, if purpose is bigger than pain the purpose wins.” – Dr. Michael Gervais

Exhaust all your resources to do the best you can at whatever you do.

“I always smiled my way through the mud.” Nims Purja

“Excellence is the capacity to take pain.” – Isadore Sharp

“Don’t bunt. Aim out of the park.” – David Ogilvy

“Turn every page. Never assume anything. Turn every goddamned page.” Robert Caro

“Do it now, do it right fucking now.” – Chip Wilson

“Risk taking is the cornerstone of empires.” – Estée Lauder

“The simplest moves are the best.” Napoleon

“Escape competition through authenticity, no one can beat you at being you.” Naval Ravikant

“I myself am my only obstacle to perfection.” -Søren Kierkegaard

“A man sees in the world what he carries in his heart.”― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

“Decide what you stand for. And then stand for it all the time.”― Clayton Christensen

You don’t really know who you are until you go through something that exposes who you are.

“A joyful life is an individual creation that cannot be copied from a recipe.”- Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

If that’s the price I have to pay to make the impact I want to have then I would pay it every day of the week.

“A fit body, a calm mind, a house full of love. These things cannot be bought – they must be earned.”- Naval

Your patience when you have nothing, and your attitude when you have everything are two things that will always define you.

“I cursed the fact I had no shoes until I met the man who had no feet.”- Persian Proverb

“Limitation is a mentality that most people practice daily until it becomes their reality.” Moses Njenga

“It doesn’t matter if the water is cold or warm if you’re going to have to wade through it anyway.” ― Pierre Teilhard De Chardin

Be kind, everyone is in an invisible battle.

If it’s not important, never do it. If it’s important, do it every day.

You cannot find peace by avoiding life.—Virginia Woolf

“Cowards die many times before their deaths: The valiant never taste of death but once.”- Shakespeare

“Ad astra per aspera” —“Through hardships to the stars.”

“omnia vincit amor,” or “love conquers all.”

“festina lente.” Make Haste Slowly

“Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are.” -Chinese proverb

“One day, in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful.” -Sigmund Freud

Compete against yourself. Root for everyone else.

Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.-Anaïs Nin

A small act is worth a million thoughts.

Trust is earned in drops and lost in buckets.

“First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do.” – Epictetus

Some things break your heart but fix your vision.

‘Dulcius ex asperis’ or, ‘Sweeter after difficulties’.

“The only Zen you find on the tops of mountains is the Zen you bring there.” — Robert M. Pirsig

I’m doing my best, I’m not my best.

I have never been contained except when I made the prison.

The final test of wisdom is this: how does one live.

Dream…Be You… Live Beautifully…Enjoy… Love.
