
Podcast Info

Podcast Description

Mike Burns:  Previously Senior Director for SEAL Qualification Training at The Naval Special Warfare Command in Coronado, CA. Here, he led a 40-person team executing the operations and administration throughout 62 weeks of high-risk training for 500 SEAL Candidates across the Western United States.

Other notable positions and projects include Team Leader for multiple SEAL, Joint Forces, and multinational teams while executing over 100 combat operations in conflict zones around the world. Mike is the recipient of numerous military awards; most notably the Bronze Star Medal with Valor and Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal with Valor for leadership and heroism during combat operations.

This is an episode I’ve been so excited to record and release because I’ve known Mike Burns since I was 10 years old. We started out as competitors in the lacrosse field and went on to be college roommates and good friends. Mike is one of the handful of people on this planet that I have a ludicrous amount of respect for and I think there are takeaways in this conversation for everyone no matter what you do.

Prior to joining the Navy, Mike worked as a Sales and Trading Analyst at Morgan Stanley. He received his B.A. in history from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Mike was the Captain of North Carolina’s Lacrosse team and went on to play professionally after college. Michael is an MBA Candidate at UC-Berkeley Haas School of Business.

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 Foundational Mindset

Section Overview: In this section, Michael Burns talks about his foundational mindset that has allowed him to accomplish incredible things.

  • Growing up with a single mom who worked hard to support two kids was his foundation.
  • His motivation is to do the best he can so that his mom worries less about him.
  • He wants to make his mom proud of who he is.
  • As he got older and became a father himself, he wants to make his children proud and give them a better life than he had.

 Grit and Drive

Section Overview: In this section, Sean talks about Michael’s grit on the athletic field and asks if it’s one of those foundational pillars for him.

  • Michael always had someone telling him that he couldn’t be the best or wasn’t good enough.
  • This motivated him to prove them wrong and become better.
  • Grit has been required in everything he’s done.
  • He believes in returning something better than how it was given to you.

 Overcoming Obstacles

Section Overview: In this section, Michael talks about overcoming obstacles throughout his life.

  • He faced many challenges during SEAL training but never gave up.
  • He learned that when things get tough, you have to keep pushing through it.
  • Failure is not an option for him; it’s just another opportunity to learn and improve.
  • He believes that everyone has the ability to overcome obstacles if they have the right mindset and attitude.


Section Overview: In this section, Michael talks about leadership and what it means to him.

  • A leader is someone who leads by example and sets the standard for others to follow.
  • It’s important to be humble and put your team first.
  • Communication is key in leadership; you need to be able to communicate effectively with your team.
  • A good leader takes care of their people and makes sure they have everything they need to succeed.

 Handling Stress

Section Overview: In this section, Michael talks about how he handles stress.

  • He uses visualization techniques to prepare himself mentally for stressful situations.
  • He focuses on his breathing and staying calm under pressure.
  • Having a positive attitude helps him deal with stress better.
  • He also believes in taking care of yourself physically through exercise, nutrition, and sleep.

 Final Thoughts

Section Overview: In this section, Michael shares some final thoughts on life and success.

  • Success is not just about achieving your goals; it’s also about enjoying the journey along the way.
  • You have to be willing to take risks if you want to achieve great things in life.
  • Always strive for excellence in everything you do.
  • Never give up on your dreams.

 Fueling Your Mindset

Section Overview: In this section, Mike shares how he was fueled by people telling him he couldn’t make it through SEAL training and how having a mindset of not quitting helped him succeed.

Overcoming Obstacles

  •  Mike was told he would never make it through SEAL training, but this only fueled his determination.
  •  Having a mindset of not quitting is key to success.

 Doing What Brings You Joy

Section Overview: In this section, Mike talks about the importance of doing what brings you joy and how that has guided his career choices.

Following Your Passions

  •  As a kid, Mike did things purely for fun and to get the ball first in lacrosse.
  •  After college, Mike worked at a job that made him unhappy until he realized that doing active things with friends brought him joy.
  •  His boss at the time recognized this and encouraged him to pursue becoming a Navy SEAL.

 Mentors Who Alter Trajectory

Section Overview: In this section, Mike discusses the impact mentors have had on his life and career trajectory.

The Importance of Mentors

  •  Jimmy, Mike’s former boss who was also a former SEAL, recognized something in Mike and encouraged him to become a SEAL himself.
  •  Jimmy’s retention tactic may have been odd but it came from kindness and maybe even some jealousy for what SEALs get to do compared to sitting at a desk.
  •  Mentors like Jimmy can alter one’s trajectory in life.

 Life Lessons from BUD/S Training

Section Overview: In this section, the speaker talks about his experience in BUD/S training and how it taught him important life lessons.

Importance of Humility

  •  The speaker reflects on how he felt like he was on top of the world after playing lacrosse in college, but quickly realized that no one cared about his achievements.
  •  BUD/S is designed to test individuals and make them realize their weaknesses. It is impossible to complete it alone, so teamwork is essential.
  •  The speaker emphasizes the importance of humility and becoming a “humble warrior” to work together as a team.

Overcoming Failure

  •  BUD/S is designed for individuals to fail at least once. It tests how they react when they are not doing well at something.
  •  Many gifted athletes quit because they cannot cope with failure or working together as a team.
  •  Those who succeed have a heightened sense of humility and can embrace failure as an opportunity for growth.

Asking for Help

  •  The speaker shares his experience struggling during a soft sand Ruck run and developing chafing all over his back.
  •  He learned that it’s okay to ask for help from others who are better at certain tasks than you are.
  •  The speaker asked his friend Mike for help during the next Ruck run, which helped him succeed.


  • The speaker admires the ability to reflect on oneself and learn from experiences.

I’m sorry, but I cannot provide a summary of the transcript without having access to it. Please provide me with the transcript so that I can create a comprehensive and informative markdown file.

 Training for BUD/S

Section Overview: In this section, the speaker talks about his training for BUD/S and how he prepared himself mentally and physically.

Preparing for BUD/S

  •  The speaker asked his grandma if he could live in her house to train for BUD/S.
  •  He built a pull-up bar in the garage and did push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups, running, and swimming every day.
  •  He gave up everything else including hanging out with friends and drinking during that summer.
  •  Failure was not an option. He had already put in the work so he might as well go all the way.

Training Tips

  •  Overtraining is possible but it’s more of a mental thing than physical strength.
  •  All sorts of guys make it through BUD/S regardless of their strength levels.
  •  Doing more lunges and soft sand running would have been helpful since they are part of the training.

 Holding a Telephone Pole

Section Overview: In this section, the speaker talks about some of the difficult things he had to do during his SEAL training.

Holding a Telephone Pole

  •  The speaker held a telephone pole while doing lunges during his SEAL training.
  •  They did lunges with the telephone pole for an hour straight until he lost count at 650.
  •  Although it was tough, holding a telephone pole became something that they loved.

 Appreciating Brotherhood

Section Overview: In this section, the speaker talks about the importance of brotherhood in SEAL training.

Appreciating Brotherhood

  •  The speaker never fully appreciated the brotherhood until he was deep in it.
  •  Spending more time with his fellow SEALs than his own wife, they became like brothers to him.
  •  The bond between them is incredibly strong and they develop a love for each other.

 Cultivating Strong Bonds in a Company

Section Overview: In this section, the speaker discusses how to cultivate strong bonds and brotherhoods in a company or athletic team.

Developing Personal Relationships

  •  The speaker emphasizes the importance of empathy and spending extra time to get to know employees or teammates.
  •  Developing personal relationships with people helps develop stronger working relationships and work better together as a team.
  •  Having close relationships motivates individuals to work harder for each other.

Overcoming Mental Barriers

  •  To overcome mental barriers, put your ego aside and have non-work conversations with colleagues.
  •  Find common areas of interest and figure out what is important to them.
  •  There are very few people on Earth that you cannot connect with if you take the time to get to know them.

 Foundational Principles for Working Together

Section Overview: In this section, the speaker discusses three foundational principles for working together effectively.

Three Foundational Principles

  •  The three foundational principles are humility, putting your ego aside, curiosity, finding something deeply fascinating within another human being, and working towards a common goal.
  •  Putting your ego aside is necessary for diving into something for the betterment of the group.
  •  Curiosity helps find common interests among colleagues.

 Unlocking Mental Abilities During SEAL Training

Section Overview: In this section, the speaker talks about his experience during SEAL training and how it unlocked his mental abilities.

Steep Learning Curve

  •  The learning curve during SEAL training is steep, and individuals have to pick up things in a short amount of time.
  •  SEAL training instills work ethic and reinforces the idea that you have to put in the reps to get good at something.


  •  Repetition is key during SEAL training. It helps individuals learn skills until they become second nature.

 The Importance of Repetition and Practice in Extreme Environments

Section Overview: In this section, the speaker emphasizes the importance of repetition and practice in extreme environments. He shares a story about a Navy SEAL instructor who practices the most elementary things every time he goes out to the range.

Practicing Elementary Things

  •  The speaker shares a story about a Navy SEAL instructor who practices the most elementary things every time he goes out to the range.
  •  The instructor picks up a pistol, fires one shot, does his scans, checks his right and left to make sure that everything’s safe on the range, and then holsters his weapon.
  •  This is what he learned when he first learned how to shoot in buds – they give you one round in a magazine put it in the gun shoot do your scans check your right and left and Holster your weapon.
  •  The instructor does that every single time he goes out to the range just to get back to basics.

Relentless Focus on Fundamentals

  •  The best are relentless on fundamentals. They master them before moving onto more complex skills.
  •  True masters of their craft get there by doing millions of reps of fundamentals underneath it which allowed them to do crazy shots later.

Remaining Calm Under Pressure

  •  When you master the fundamentals then you get under high-stress environments where this stuff is just such second nature that got your calm under those stressful environments and you do the basics right.

 Handling Stress in Extreme Environments

Section Overview: In this section, the speaker talks about how he handles stress in extreme environments, particularly during diving training. He discusses his ability to remain calm under stressful situations and how he developed this skill.

Surfing as Preparation for Diving Training

  •  The speaker attributes his ability to handle stress during diving training to his experience with surfing and taking a lot of hits underwater.
  •  He also mentions that he learned techniques for remaining calm underwater and managing stress through practice and repetition.

Comfort Zone in the Water

  •  The speaker describes how being in the water was always his sanctuary during BUD/S training.
  •  He explains that he was able to relax even when undergoing pool evolutions because he knew it would come to an end eventually.
  •  He contrasts this with people who panic when drowning, expending energy and decreasing oxygen levels in their body.

Mental Challenges During Training

  •  The speaker talks about how sand runs were difficult for him during BUD/S training.
  •  He shares that he looked back on his family and friends as motivation to keep going whenever things got tough.
  •  The speaker emphasizes the importance of knowing your “why” as a way of enduring mental challenges.

Learning from Failures

  •  The speaker reflects on how growing up without a lot of guidance taught him hard lessons early on, which helped put his ego in check.
  •  He explains that making mistakes allowed him to learn from them and move forward.

 Dealing with Loss and Moving Forward

Section Overview: In this section, the speaker talks about dealing with loss and moving forward after a difficult situation. He shares his experience of losing a team member during a combat operation and how he coped with it.

Acknowledging the Situation and Moving Forward

  •  The speaker talks about losing one of their guys during a combat operation, which was the worst day of his life.
  •  He acknowledges what happened but decides to focus on moving forward.
  •  The speaker emphasizes the importance of acknowledging what happened, checking in with your team, and aggregating all that data into a way forward.
  •  He uses an analogy from lacrosse where after losing a game, you want to go out and get a win.

Getting Little Wins and Being Hopeful

  •  The speaker emphasizes that staying at a standstill is not an option as it means getting worse. You need to take action to move forward.
  •  He talks about facing brutal facts, developing an action plan, getting little wins, and being hopeful about the future.

 Developing Leadership Style

Section Overview: In this section, the speaker talks about how he developed his leadership style over time. He shares his experience of being in leadership positions in high school sports teams and how he learned more about leadership in the SEAL Teams.

Learning About Leadership in SEAL Teams

  •  The speaker never put much thought into his leadership style before joining the SEAL Teams.
  •  He became more aware of his leadership style through training provided by the SEAL Teams.
  •  The speaker talks about how some of the leadership training was good, while others were bad in his opinion.
  •  He disagrees with the advice of not getting too close to enlisted guys and emphasizes the importance of building trust by spending time with your team.

Being a Member of the Team

  •  The speaker talks about being a member of the team and having a different job than his team members.
  •  He looked at himself as just another member of the team who happened to be in charge. I’m sorry, but I cannot provide a summary of the transcript without having access to it. Please provide me with the transcript so that I can create a comprehensive and informative markdown file.