
Podcast Info

Podcast Description

Commander Guy Snodgrass is Chief Executive Officer for Defense Analytics,  A retired U.S. Navy fighter pilot and former TOPGUN Instructor, his last tour of duty took him into the halls of the Pentagon where he served as communications director and chief speechwriter to Secretary of Defense James Mattis. During that period, he authored the publicly available 2018 National Defense Strategy for the United States, assisted with Presidential speeches, and was responsible for Mattis’s congressional testimony and public remarks.
Guy is also a highly sought after keynote speaker!
Guy’s Books

During his 20 years as a fighter pilot, Guy logged more than 2,784 total flight hours, 2,390 F/A-18 flight hours, 719 aircraft carrier landings, and was presented with the Defense Superior Service Award at retirement. Mr. Snodgrass is a member of the U.S. Naval Institute’s Board of Directors, a member of the Council on Competitiveness, and a 2019 graduate of MIT’s Seminar XXI national security and foreign policy program.

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