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How to Get Rich: One of the World’s Greatest Entrepreneurs Shares His Secrets by Felix Dennis

How to Get Rich: One of the World’s Greatest Entrepreneurs Shares His Secrets

By Felix Dennis

**There is some excellent advice on business, entrepreneurship and getting rich from Felix in this book but his life seemed to be rather miserable. Take the useful information and use the negatives of Felix’s life as a guide of what not to do as well.  

“Absorb what is useful. Reject what is useless. Add what is essentially your own.”- Bruce Lee 

Eight Secrets to Getting Rich 

  1. Analyze your need. Desire is insufficient. Compulsion is mandatory.
  2. Cut loose from negative influences. Never give in. Stay the course. 
  3. Ignore “great ideas.” Concentrate on great execution. 
  4. Focus. Keep your eye on the ball marked “The Money is Here.” 
  5. Hire talent smarter than you. Delegate. Share the annual pie. 
  6. Ownership is the real “secret.” Hold on to every percentage point you can. 
  7. Sell before you need to, or when bored. Empty your mind when negotiating. 
  8. Fear nothing and no one. Get rich. Remember to give it all away.

Knowledge learned the hard way combined with the avoidance of error, whenever and wherever possible, is the soundest basis for success in any endeavor.

Ambition, fearlessness, self-belief, stamina, a degree of callousness, a willingness to learn.



Shakespeare’s “Cowards die many times before their deaths:  The valiant never taste of death but once.”



Lastly, in any list of reasons not to get rich, we must come to philosophy and the benefits of hindsight. If I had my time again, knowing what I know today, I would dedicate myself to making just enough to live comfortably (say $60 or $80 million), as quickly as I could—hopefully by the time I was thirty-five years old. I would then cash out immediately and retire to write poetry and plant trees.


Ralph Waldo Emerson: No matter how much faculty of idle seeing a man has, the step from knowing to doing is rarely taken.


To sum up then,


After a lifetime of making money and observing better men and women than I fall by the wayside, I am convinced that fear of failing in the eyes of the world is the single biggest impediment to amassing wealth. Trust me on this.


Growing Industries 


The biggest rewards go not to those individuals who came up with the idea, nor to those individuals who built the empire. They go to those entities or individuals who funded the enterprise and own the most stock. Always bear this in mind during the Search.

“Luck is preparation multiplied by opportunity.” — SENECA, ROMAN PHILOSOPHER 

“The harder I practiced, the luckier I got.” — GARY PLAYER, GOLF CHAMPION 

“Luck is a dividend of sweat.” —RAY KROC, MCDONALD’S FOUNDER 

Fortune favors not just the brave but the bold. Boldness

Obtaining Capital

The Second Error: Overoptimism Concerning Cash Flow

Think Big/ Act Small 

9 Cardinal Virtues





Trust Your Instincts

Make More Baskets: Diversify! Eggs being what they are and the world being what it is, they will sometimes break. No matter how good your idea, how fierce your resolve and how lucky you are in the early days, you must prepare for that eventuality. It will come. It always comes.

Listen and Learn

15 The Power of Focus





17 A Recap for Idlers

Ask me what I will give you if you could wave a magic wand and give me my youth back. The answer would be everything I own and everything I will ever own. In The Odyssey we read: And Achilles replied, “Do not speak soothingly to me of death, glorious Odysseus. I would rather live on earth as a bondsman to the meanest peasant, than be king of all the shadows.”

Cut Loose

I recently attended a funeral. These days, I attend too many of them. The elderly mother of one of my girlfriends at school was there.

The old lady looked me up and down in a disquieting way and I had a vision of a much younger woman cutting me a slice of cake and pouring me a cup of tea. “So you did it,” she said, her thin lips half smiling, but compressed in a disapproving line.

“Uh-huh,” I replied, not knowing what the hell she was talking about. “I hope it was worth it?” “What was worth what, ma’am?” “You used to frighten me, did you know that? Oh, I was frightened you would marry Sally. But I was frightened of you. I was a mother and thirty years older than you. But you scared the hell out of me. I told Sally to stay away from you.” “Yes, I remember. Why?”

“Because when you first began coming around after Sally, I asked you what you were going to do when you left school. You looked me in the eye. Your eyes weren’t like any teenager I ever knew. They were fierce, like a tiger’s. You were insolent and arrogant and frightening. I told my husband so.” “I’m sorry for that.” “You told me you were going to get rich. Not that you were going to university or were after this or that job. Just that you were going to be rich. I never forgot it.”


Eight Secrets to Getting Rich 

  1. Analyze your need. Desire is insufficient. Compulsion is mandatory.
  2. Cut loose from negative influences. Never give in. Stay the course. 
  3. Ignore “great ideas.” Concentrate on great execution. 
  4. Focus. Keep your eye on the ball marked “The Money is Here.” 
  5. Hire talent smarter than you. Delegate. Share the annual pie. 
  6. Ownership is the real “secret.” Hold on to every percentage point you can. 
  7. Sell before you need to, or when bored. Empty your mind when negotiating. 
  8. Fear nothing and no one. Get rich. Remember to give it all away.


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