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Estée: A Success Story by Estée Lauder- Book Recap

Estée: A Success Story by Estée Lauder

The most formidable competitor that you can conjure up is yourself.”


What makes a successful businesswoman? 

First comes the shy wish. Then you must have the heart to have the dream. Then, you work. And work.

Don’t do it,” was the advice.

“The mortality rate in the cosmetics industry is high, and you’ll rue the day you invested your savings and your time into this impossible business. Estée and Joe, we beg of you, don’t do it.”

We did it. Today Leonard is fond of saying, and I agree, that “accountants and lawyers make great accountants and lawyers. We need them, but we make the business decisions.” No one else. We make them. 

Mark Twain once said something like Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions.” Small people always do that. But the really great make you feel that you too can become great

Risk taking is the cornerstone of empires.” 

Go After Your Dreams

From where you sit, you can probably reach out with comparative ease and touch a life of serenity and peace. You can wait for things to happen and not get too sad when they don’t. That’s fine for some but not for me. Serenity is pleasant, but it lacks the ecstasy of achievement

I’ve insisted on the long stretch rather than the gentle reach. 

Living the American dream has been intense difficult work, but I couldn’t have hoped for a more satisfying life. I believe that potential is unlimited- success depends on daring to act on dreams. How far do you want to go? Go the distance! Within each person is the potential to build the empire of her wishes, and don’t allow anyone to say you can’t have it all. You can- you can have it all if you’re willing to work. 

No one has to settle for the mediocre if she has dreams of glory. I’ve always believed that if you stick to a thought and carefully avoid distraction along the way, you can fulfill a dream. My whole life has been about fulfilling dreams. I kept my eye on the target, whatever that target was. I’ve never allowed my eye to leave the particular target of the moment, whether it was a lovely warm meeting with my adorable grandchildren, a business achievement, plans for an extraordinary party, or even just a quiet evening at home. Whether your target is big or small, grand or simple, ambitious or personal, I’ve always believed that success comes from not letting your eyes stray from that target. Anyone who wants to achieve a dream must stay strong, focused and steady. She must expect and demand perfection and never settle for mediocrity. 

If you push yourself beyond the furthest place you think you can go, you’ll be able to achieve your heart’s dream. 

Visualize, said Leonard to the businesswomen. He meant it quite literally. I know, as he does, that one can will oneself to success

If in your mind’s eye you see a successful venture, a deal made, a profit accomplished, it has a superb chance of actually happening. Projecting your mind into a successful situation is the most powerful means to achieve goals. If you spend time with pictures of failure in your mind, you will orchestrate failure. Countless times, before the event, I have pictured a heroic sale to a large department store every step of the way and the picture in my mind became a reality. I’ve visualized suc- cess, then created the reality from the image. Great athletes, business people, inventors, and achievers from all walks of life seem to know this secret. Norman Cousins, the writer, was once told he had a fatal illness. He absolutely refused to accept the diagnosis! Instead, he visualized himself well and happy, and made the mind picture a reality.


Quality first, sales later


Most good ideas sparkle in simplicity, so much so that everyone wonders why no one ever did that before.”

“I believe that potential is unlimited – success depends on daring to act on dreams.” 

“Serenity is pleasant, but it lacks the ecstasy of achievement.” 


Business itself was the purest romance for me. 

I didn’t need bread to eat, but I worked as though I did . . . from pure love of the venture

Against The Grain

“I won’t pay too much attention to your answer. I’ll watch your eyes. If they come alive with pleasure, its a yes… but your eyes won’t lie. If they stay dull, if they don’t dance with wonder, back to a new vial I’ll go.”

Love of Beauty from a Young Age 


This is the story of a bewitchment. I was irrevocably bewitched by the power to create beauty.

Uncle John had worlds to teach me. 

Do you know what it means for a young girl to suddenly have someone take her dreams quite seriously? Teach her secrets?

I could think of nothing else. After school, I’d run home to practice being a scientist. I began to value myself so much more, trust my instincts, trust my uniqueness. With my uncle I was preoccupied with research into possibilities..


We sold out everything.

“The buyer came down to see me after three of four days. “ How did you do it?” He asked.

“Never mind, I did it. And I’m sending you more.”

“You don’t sell cosmetics,” he responded. “You sell yourself.” 

A member of the British royal family once said to me, “I am so happy since my marriage. Everyone needs someone to talk to in the still, dark hours.”

I never forgotten those words because they are so very true. During the years I was apart from Joe, in one way I had a heady, exciting time, but I’ll always remember coming home at night and not having that one, sweet, trusted someone with whom to share my deep thoughts, my secrets. You cannot fly on one wing


The American dream is powerfully enticing, but it is a dream. One does not move from rags — poof — to riches by dreaming or by starting from zero. Henry Ford did begin building cars in a wooden shed with a door too small to allow the car through, but I guarantee he had some money to buy the shed or even the parts for the car. One could say that Estee Lauder Cosmetics started in a stable, but there was a lovely house in front of that tiny stable and a father with some means who had confidence in his daughter. Hard work, ingenuity, and inspiration are unquestionably important, but so is a little help, or a little savings — Joe’s savings, I might add.


Fortunately, our confidence equaled our excitement, because we had to have enough faith in our work to invest all our savings… Every bit of work was done by hand- four hands, Joe’s and mine






Risk, risk, risk.. The name of our game



What others call tough, I call persistent. If you know you’re correct, you must be firm and not bow to pressure.” 


Stay quiet until you’re strong enough to be unmistakably visible


“When a person with experience meets a person with money, pretty soon, the person with the experience will have the money and the person with the money will have the experience.” It was a good lesson to learn- even though we learned it painfully. 


It wasn’t youth that made me so energetic, it was enthusiasm. That’s why I know a woman of any age has it within her to begin a business or a life’s work of any sort. It’s a fresh outlook that makes youth so attractive anyway, that quality of anything’s possible. That spirit is not owned only by those under thirty. Selling, especially, is an art form that depends on spirit-and honesty. The customer can always tell when you’re being less than candid.



Make the most of what you have. I operated, full time, on that precept. If you can’t have everything you think you deserve at that moment, you would do well to surround yourself with symbols of your ideals. In that small office, I surrounded myself with touches of the good life, the lovely and intricately tapestried life of my imagination, an imagination that has always been, I’m proud to say, large enough to admit any possibility.


Chapter 10 

What I didn’t learn from business schools 


Estée was robbed at gunpoint in her home:

“Where’s the good stuff?” The robbers asked Begum.

“In my mind,” Begum later recounted to me. I weighted the good stuff against my own weight and I weighed more. I gave them everything. 

With a gun at my head, I weighted “good stuff”against my own weight and I , too, weighed more. If the valuables in my home had weighed 10,000 pounds, I would have weighted more. 

I gave them everything. 


“Perfume, is the unseen but unforgettable and ultimate fashion accessory. It heralds a woman’s arrival and prolongs her departure.” – Chanel 


Demand the finest quality in product and performance. Tell your story with enthusiasm. Always look for things that should be changed. We learn too much, every day, to be satisfied with yesterday’s achievements. 


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