What Got You There With Sean DeLaney

Dr. Andrew Huberman- The Brain Science of High Performance

Andrew Huberman – Belcampo

Professor of Neurobiology at Stanford School of Medicine • Focused on Neuroscience Research & Education • Host of The Huberman Lab Podcast

“Behavior first. Thoughts, feelings and perceptions follow.” Mood follows action

The 5 Phenomena of the Human Brain. 

How the brain operates in 5 steps:

1. Sensations: The ability to detect physical events in the world.

2. Perceptions: Sensations that we are able to recognize and transduce into signals that the brain can understand.

3. Feelings/emotions: How the brain and the body are communicating with one another.

4. Thoughts: The way we organize all the information the brain takes in.

5. Actions: Behaviors.


Neuroplasticity. “The machine that is the brain and nervous system is an adaptive machine. It’s not like a car, it’s like a car that changes if you drive on a gravel road to get better at driving on gravel roads. It turns into a Jeep when you’re on a gravel road and it turns into a race car when you’re on a Formula 1 track. That property of neuroplasticity is, without question, the reason why we are the curators of the planet and the species in charge and not some other species.”

Nasal Biome/Breathing to destress 

Super Oxygenated Breathing 

 Understanding Dopamine and Motivation 

Arousal from fear/anxiety/stress 

Amygdala Hijacking

Epinephrine “It triggers a quitting reflex.”

Finding Meaning 

The Letdown Factor

How Friends and Family Affect Our Brains

The Importance of Gratitude 

Stress and Coronavirus 

The Next Generation 

“Kids are in a heightened state of neuroplasticity. They are building in such resilience from this. They’re going to come out of this with the capacity to sit in a house for a month or more without engaging in a lot of their normal pleasures, and that’s what they’re going to bring to their adult jobs, their college experiences. I think we are going to grow from this.”

Suffering from an inability to control states of mind 



If I’m suddenly stressed for whatever reason, my perceptual window is going to shift. My Eyes are literally going to change their focus. My world will become more like portrait mode.I’ll see you and everything else will become blurry when I’m Calm. Asha panoramic vision

Tube Test

We had a paper a few years ago identifying the area in the brain that actually leads to forward movement and rewards it with a dopamine reward. This is a paper we published in Nature, the area. The brain is interesting only because it map exactly to that brain area that Robert Heath found. People like to stimulate frustration and anger. 

So frustration and anger were designed to get us to move forward adaptively.

And I bet you that every forward step or the perception that you have an advantage over the other guy or gal. Leads to a dopamine increase, lowers that norepinephrine and allows them to keep moving forward, they get energy. They it’s you know, it’s not gassing at the level of, you know, can’t breathe. They’re gassing at the level of conditioning. It’s something’s happening neurally. So as a society right now, we are stressed and this is not the time to back off going to the lotus position and people come at me sometimes.

The nervous system is designed to orchestrate all the processes in the body, not just thinking and not just behavior and really can be divided into five things

  1. Sensation is really bound or restricted by the receptors in the body. So receptors in the eye that perceive photons light energy for sip receptors in the skin that perceive pressure touch receptors smell taste, peering, etcetera and the interesting thing about sensation and the fact that the nervous system needs to pay attention to sensation is it’s non-negotiable. The nervous system of humans is designed to extract physical phenomena from the universe that are non-negotiable photons of light. I can’t see in the infrared with my eyes and I can’t see ultraviolet light with my eyes. I can’t perceive that because I don’t have the receptors for it. So, you know other animals can perceive some of those things but that leads us to the next thing which is perception, 
  2. Perception is which sensations you are paying attention to so all the time you’re sensing things like right now your feet are sensing the contact with your shoes, but you’re not not thinking about until I say that then you shift your perception. Perception is negotiable. You can control that because I just said shoes and you thought about your feet and there you are. Then there are feelings.
  3. Feelings can be a little bit nebulous. But feelings are a link between our emotions and generally invoke the body sensations in the body and concepts in the mind of what those Sensations are.
  4. Thoughts, thoughts happen spontaneously like a web browser that’s constantly giving you pop-ups but thoughts can also be deliberate so you and I can decide right now that we’re going to think about a plan for something, we’re going to think about what’s going on in the world. so thoughts happen spontaneously and they can be deliberate and then the final thing is behaviors and action. 
  5. Behaviors & Actions– The nervous system is responsible for sensation perception feelings thoughts and behaviors.

The nervous system is trying to accomplish one thing which is to take perceptions of the outside world and merge those with perceptions of the inside world into what we call interoception and to link those in a way that’s operating on our environment in the appropriate way


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