
Podcast Info

Client Cindy Whitehead

Podcast Description


“Live life balls to the wall.  Do epic shit. Take every dare that comes your way. You can sleep when you’re dead”. This is the personal motto of Cindy Whitehead who is our guest on Episode 4 of What Got You There.

Cindy conquered the male dominated profession of pro vert skateboarding in the 70’s. Since then Cindy has gone on to coin the term “Sports Stylist®,” working as a fashion stylist for the past 25 years specializing in sports, with companies like Gatorade, Nike, the NBA, and athletes such as Tiger Woods, Michelle Kwan, Kobe Bryant and more.

In this episode of What Got You There we discuss the difficult path of trying to standout in a male dominated world. Cindy talks about her biggest influence and why a mentor can have so much impact. Whitehead also tells her story of grabbing her skateboard and riding it down the 405. We also talk about fashion, being comfortable with ones self and how to go after a dream!

In 2013 Cindy created a brand called “Girl is NOT a 4 Letter Word” – https://www.instagram.com/girlisnota4letterword/?hl=en

She was inducted into The Skateboarding Hall of Fame on May 13, 2016.

Her new photography book, “It’s Not About Pretty” showcases the female empowerment skateboarding brings to girls and women, alike.-https://www.amazon.com/Its-About-Pretty-Cindy-Whitehead/dp/0692821945/ref=redir_mobile_desktop?_encoding=UTF8&dpID=617xlP6697L&dpPl=1&keywords=it%27s%20not%20about%20pretty&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&qid=1490067003&ref=plSrch&ref_=mp_s_a_1_1&sr=8-1


TedX Talk- http://www.cindywhitehead.com/cindy-s-tedx-talk


Twitter- https://twitter.com/sportsstylist?lang=en

Intro/Outro music by Justin Great- http://justingreat.com/

Producer- Brian Lapres